Building a Python Library: A Step-by-Step Guide with Code Examples

Rami Sehout
2 min readMay 16, 2023


Creating a Python library allows you to package and share your code with others, promoting code reuse and collaboration. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of creating a Python library from scratch. We’ll cover essential steps such as project setup, structuring the library, writing code, documentation, testing, packaging, and versioning. Along the way, we’ll provide code examples to illustrate each step. Let’s get started!

1 . Setting Up the Project: To begin, follow these steps to set up your project:

2 . Structuring Your Library: Organize your library by following this directory structure:

Create the initial package structure by running the following commands:

3 . Writing Code: Implement the core functionality of your library. Here’s an example code snippet:

4 . Documentation: Document your library using clear and concise docstrings. Here’s an example:

5 . Testing: Write unit tests for your library using a testing framework like unittest or pytest. Here's an example:

6 . Packaging and Distribution: Prepare your library for distribution by creating a file. Here's an example:

7 . Versioning and Releases: Follow semantic versioning principles to manage versioning. Tag a new version using Git:

Congratulations on completing the tutorial! You now have the knowledge and tools to create your own Python libraries. Remember to continue practicing good software engineering principles, such as writing clean code, documenting your library thoroughly, and conducting thorough testing.

By creating and sharing Python libraries, you can contribute to the open-source community and help others solve problems more efficiently. Keep exploring and building upon your library to add more features and enhance its functionality.

If you found this tutorial helpful, feel free to follow me on Medium for more articles and tutorials on Python and software development. Stay curious and keep coding!

