6 Ways to Generate New Leads for Your Sales Team

QCSS, inc.
4 min readApr 2, 2018


Have you come to a dead end with lead generation?

We’ve all been there.

Prospects aren’t interested in your product or service or even taking your calls. It’s hard enough to be on the phones every day making phone calls — and harder having every person turn you down.

Well, there’s good news: Generating leads doesn’t have to be that difficult. With the right team and strategy at your disposal, you could easily be following up on leads and engaging with interested prospects.

We’ll walk you through different ways that you can generate leads for your team. When we’re done you’ll know exactly how to convert qualified generated leads in your pipeline. Ready? Let’s dive in.

6 Ways to Generate New Leads for Your Sales Team

Before you start diving into generating leads, you need to understand how the process works. Just like you would outline a blog post before writing, you want to establish the three or four main takeaways of your lead generation campaign, and make sure you have a team to help you. Then, you can start talking about how you are going to generate your leads.

Now, let’s talk about the 6 different ways that you can generate new leads for your team!

1. Social Media

Social media is a great way to generate new leads. Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are just a couple platforms that businesses use for lead generation.

Twitter and Instagram allow for direct messages, which makes it easy to reach out to people in specific industries.

To use Facebook for lead generation, you may have to invest in advertising. The good news is that there are experts who do Facebook advertising for a living.

Social media platforms are an amazing way to generate leads but you have to be willing to reach out to people and be social — hence social media.

2. Optimizing Content

When you use content that is relevant and appealing you will capture the correct audience. No matter what industry you are in, you are the expert!

Highlight what you do best and share inside knowledge to show the information you’re sharing is reliable.

3. LinkedIn

Yes, LinkedIn is a social media platform. It’s just so important for lead generation that we gave it its own number.

Publishing posts and articles on LinkedIn is a great way to get noticed by other companies. LinkedIn also makes it easy to establish yourself as an industry leader.

Add people on LinkedIn who you want to be in your network. Be sure to add a note so that when they see your invite, they will know why you want to be connected with them.

If you’re looking to take LinkedIn lead generation extremely seriously be sure to:

- Participate in discussions

- Publish posts and articles

- Comment on other posts

- Stay active

- Use it as a social network — be social!

4. Email Marketing

Do you have an email list?

If not, you may want to start working towards developing one.

And no, buying email lists is not the answer to your problem.

Get people who are interested in your business to sign up for your email list. How? By distributing amazing content that people can’t say no to and want to be notified when you’ve published something new.

Email marketing is never going to go out of style.

5. Public Relations

Joining a podcast, live video, radio show, or video chat in your industry is a great way to generate new leads. This will help people get to know you on a different platform, and not just as your usual business self.

It also helps you become more relatable which will encourage people to reach out and talk to about what you do.

6. The telephone

Start a campaign with a telemarketing company and develop a lead generation campaign.

Are you trying to set appointments for your sales team or up-sell / cross-sell services?

A telemarketing campaign is a great way to increase sales and profits, the number of qualified leads, and the number of appointments.

There actually are a lot more benefits than those, check them out here.

We’ve covered 6 different ways that you can develop leads.

If you want more information on this subject feel free to call us at 888.229.7046.

We’re the people who make and take the calls. Lead generation is just one of our many specialties.

Written by: Amy Schiller



QCSS, inc.

Coolest Call Center on Earth 🌏 - Providing multichannel inbound customer support, outbound telesales, appointment setting and lead generation.