3 min readFeb 22, 2018


QUOINE and Enjin Coin are pleased to announce the listing of ENJ token on QRYPTOS (https://qryptos.com).

QRYPTOS is QUOINE’s fully digital cryptocurrency exchange and trading platform launched in June 2017.

Enjin Coin (ENJ) is a decentralized cryptocurrency and virtual goods platform for gaming. A platform to create, manage, distribute, and trade virtual goods. Giving game developers and content creators a new model of virtual ownership and gameplay. ENJ allows minting unique in-game items, currencies, and virtual tokens using Enjin Coins as the parent currency. These assets can be converted back into ENJ anytime.

Enjin’s mission is to bring fairness and purpose to gaming, to enrich gamers experiences, protect them from malicious players and enable them to truly own their items and characters. Enjin also helps game developers utilize ethical monetisation models that do not prey upon human psychology, but are powered by intrinsic value, to aid them in their quest to discover, explore and create new genres of games that have art at their very core.

Game developers or anyone can use a set of open source tools to create ​virtual goods that have their value backed by Enjin Coin​. Virtual goods in games can be anything — items like swords and guns, cosmetic upgrades, spaceships, entire planets, even characters themselves. Since they are backed by Enjin Coins, those virtual goods have ​real life value​.

The process of creating virtual goods with Enjin Coin is called ​minting. ​You can mint an item with a few Enjin Coins or lots. The more Enjin Coins you use to create an item the higher its value.

Game developers can also create ​custom coins and currencies​ for their games — but also nifty stuff like ​limited-edition​, ​one-of-a-kind signed items​ only possible via blockchain technology like Enjin Coin.

Gamers can earn or buy these virtual goods in games, or acquire them as parts of giveaways or as rewards. These goods are not kept on a game server or database, they are safely stored on decentralized network no one controls​ and held in the gamers personal ​Enjin Wallet​. This means that the gamers ​truly own​ those virtual goods and can ​prove ownership​ — for example, if the game or server goes bust or if the user game account gets hacked, those items ​can never be taken away​ from you.

Gamers can ​trade​ those virtual goods — either directly or via approved marketplaces, with zero risk of fraud​ ​via escrow contracts​. For example, they can trade a sword for a spaceship; they can sell a character for Enjin Coin or a custom gaming currency; they can buy a castle or even an entire game with Enjin Coin.

In case they have an item nobody wants to buy or they stop playing that game, gamers can convert the item back into Enjin Coins — this process is called ​melting.

For more information, see: https://enjincoin.io/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/enjinsocial

Twitter: https://twitter.com/enjin

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1536908/

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/enjincoin

Medium: https://blog.enjincoin.io/

Telegram: https://t.me/enjin_coin

White paper: https://enjincoin.io/enjincoin_whitepaper.pdf




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