Mike’s weekend message to QUOINE community (April 14th, 2018)

4 min readApr 14, 2018



I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

I have been on the road the entire week in Australia, Singapore, and now Tokyo. My next couple of weeks will be Vietnam, Singapore, Japan and then the Philippines.

As CEO of a fast moving company, it is important to have a clear mind and a healthy body, which I have not been able to put much focus….but is one of my key resolutions.

Please Kindly find my weekly update below.

1. Token Listings

We had 2 token listings this week:

- Biotron (BTRN) : Biotron gives you control over data collected about you. It provides customers with analytics & insights based on high-quality datasets and shares revenue with users.
Medium: https://bit.ly/2Hn6aWd Steemit: https://bit.ly/2v3QMLR

- AdHive (ADH) : ADH Token is the core infrastructural element of AdHive influencer marketing platform. Advertisers reserve budgets on the platform by purchasing ADH tokens, while influencers are rewarded with ADH tokens for executing their task properly. Medium: https://bit.ly/2GSDEe2 Steemit: https://bit.ly/2qwRKvJ

For April Week 3 on QRYPTOS, we are planning on listing 3 tokens:

- WAWLLET : WAWLLET is the world’s first multi-asset wallet and personal financial passport. It connects people, banks and financial services, both traditional and new, and will change the way people think about and control their money, assets and personal digital identity.
Learn more at https://www.wawllet.com

- PolicyPal : PolicyPal Network is a platform built with a twofold vision of addressing key issues that overlap the fields of both insurance and cryptoassets in the world today. The team aim to achieve an end goal where cryptoassets holders are adequately covered by insurance from cyber network hacks and reducing the barriers of entry for insurance to the emerging markets through peer-to-peer mutual aid insurance implemented on the blockchain.
Learn more at https://www.policypal.network

- Earth token: Natural Capital is the world’s stock of natural resources. The Natural Asset Exchange blockchain platform and EARTH Token cryptocurrency provides a unique opportunity to truly transform the Natural Capital Asset market, by creating a Natural Asset Marketplace that allows all stakeholders in the climate value chain to participate. Learn more at: https://earth-token.com/

2. Product Development

Our Chief Trading Officer Andre Pemmelaar had his first Japanese only AMA on LIQUID carried out with our Marketing Head in Japan, Hiroko Nakano.
I was actually impressed by his Japanese fluency :)

Check out their AMA here: https://www.facebook.com/Quoine.jp/videos/238203410062329/

3. Marketing / Community

- Events:

We are becoming more active in speaking conferences to contribute to the crypto / blockchain economy. I believe it is our duty to lead and guide the industry to the next stage.

Last week, I presented at The New Economy Summit, a global conference organized by the Japan Association of New Economy to discuss the topic “ Decrypting crypto — boom or bust? Clues to understanding digital currency innovation.” Learn more about this event at: https://nest.jane.or.jp/en/overview/

This coming week, I will be attending the B2B Summit 2018 in Tokyo to have a fireside chat with Tim Draper to share “The current status and future of Cryptocurrency” Learn more about this event at: https://www.b2bsummit.biz

Our Chief Design Officer Jon Myers will be speaking at Bangkok’s Tokenomx on April 18–19 in Chiang Mai Thailand. He will be speaking on the topic of product and design for crypto assets. Learn more about this event at https://tokenomx.com/

Our VP of Marketing Katherine Ng will be speaking at SUSS Global Inclusive Blockchain Conference on April 17 in Singapore on the topic of “Utility or security — the trend of token structures” Learn more about this event at: https://sussblockchain.com

- Community:

12 days into the April’s QASH Rewards Program, we have received 758 twitter retweet submissions and 49 written content submissions.
We cannot get to where we are today without our love and support. Thank you so much!

For the month of April, QASH Rewards Program welcomes all written articles under the theme of:
“The launch of the LIQUID platform and World Book beta”.

We are looking forward to receive more and more content under this theme from our dear QUOINERS.

IMPORTANT: Please note that all submissions must adhere to our guidelines for UTM tracking links so that your articles are qualified for QASH Rewards and we can track any traffic that comes from your articles: https://bit.ly/2pWB6oM

Learn more on our Steemit and Medium blog posts:
Steemit: https://bit.ly/2H6NgTB
Medium: https://bit.ly/2GsGu9y

- AMAs:

In the next couple of weeks, we will be hosting a series of AMAs to introduce key management at QUOINE who are committed to make QUOINE the world-leading provider of fintech services in the cryptocurrency space.

Next Wednesday, Chief People Officer Jason Wagner will be doing an AMA to give QUOINERS insight into how we are growing QUOINE with the right people, processes and culture in place.
Jason comes with extensive management experience, having held key senior roles in Fortress Investment Group, Goldman Sachs and McKinsey.

Stay tuned for our AMA announcements.

4. Operations / Customer Support

We had another record week by solving 24,820 English tickets with an average response time of just under 1 hour.

We have come a long way since last November and a recent customer survey came back with a CSAT Score of 86%.

Most positive comments being that our response time is extremely fast and our knowledge and level of service is well above expected. We also had negative comments from declined customers and withdrawal delays.
We will strive for excellence.

Thats all for this week.

Please have a wonderful weekend.

Mike Kayamori




Liquid is a next generation cryptocurrency trading platform that aims to be the leading provider of liquidity to the crypto economy