Mike’s weekly message to QUOINE community

2 min readAug 20, 2018


Dear Quoiners,

I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

Going forward, my weekly update will be sent out every Monday, as this way I can reflect on the past week and also share what I expect for the coming week.

I was in Singapore last week to catch up on meetings I missed during my time outside the country.

One of the meetings was with one of the largest banks in Singapore on how the crypto industry can work with existing banks. It’s still going to take time, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Another meeting was regarding the establishment of a crypto exchange association in Singapore. I believe many countries including Singapore are carefully watching what is happening in Japan and trying to learn best practices.

Separately, I had an interview with CNBC covering many topics from regulation to liquidity, to the price drop of Bitcoin. Even though I’ve done many live interviews, I will never become comfortable speaking in front of live camera. It’s just not me.

On the Liquid platform progress, all key management were in Ho Chi Minh to iron out the final details and assess the potential risks leading up to launch.

I am proud of my team working on weekends and holidays to deliver Liquid.
I have the best team in the world and am grateful.

As we gear towards launch, we have prepared an FAQ to outline what you need to know to get you prepared for the upcoming launch of the Liquid platform. It is important that you familiarize yourself with this FAQ to understand how your Qryptos and Quoinex accounts will be affected.

Please note that all Qryptos and Quoinex accounts will automatically become Liquid accounts and all balances and settings will be migrated over to your new Liquid account.

This FAQ will be updated whenever new information becomes available.

Click to view the FAQ.

Both Qryptos and Quoinex will undergo a scheduled maintenance plan before the launch of Liquid and we will keep you updated with further announcements about the maintenance schedule on email, Twitter and Telegram.

Finally, I’m posting a link from our weekly Roundup by Tammy Ha.

Hope everyone has a great week ahead.

Mike Kayamori




Liquid is a next generation cryptocurrency trading platform that aims to be the leading provider of liquidity to the crypto economy