QURECA’s Aim to Support the Development of the Quantum Workforce

2 min readNov 17, 2021


QURECA, a UK based startup, is working hard to create connections between academics and businesses, and to support the growth of the quantum workforce.

The second quantum revolution is currently unfolding and we are seeing a huge amount of funding entering the quantum technologies industry. Now more than ever, we need to see an influx of professionals who are capable of understanding and using the quantum technology of the future.

Given that quantum technology is so new, there is a lack of educational options to create the quantum ready workforce. We need to see an increase in accessible training for those that wish to enter the workforce.

To support the development of the quantum workforce, QURECA have created an online quantum training platform. The platform aims to create and share the necessary accessible education, as well as to provide resourcing services for both individuals and businesses.

The platform is quickly filling up with high quality courses by industry professionals and organisations, such as QuantFi. There are currently three courses, covering an introduction to quantum for businesses, quantum applications for the financial sector, as well as plans for more courses to become available very soon.

QURECA also brings the quantum community together at their regularly hosted virtual events. QURECA aims to host at least one event every quarter. Events hosted include career fairs, investor days and regional quantum events. The organisation’s events are highly praised by attendees and supporters.

Bringing together all the key stakeholders of this ecosystem is important to support its development. Through their platform and events, QURECA has created networking opportunities for individuals and organisations invested in or interested in quantum technology.

QURECA have taken the initial steps into developing the quantum ready workforce. However, the quantum job market is growing quickly and we need the available positions to be filled as quickly as they become available.

QURECA hopes to continue to grow as an organisation, so that they can continue to support the growth of the quantum workforce as effectively as possible.

Quantum is the future of quantum technology, business and our society as a whole. QURECA is supporting the development of the quantum workforce AND the development of an advanced society.




QURECA offers professional services, business development, and the first online platform for training and recruitment.