Qbao Network Update: February 28th, 2019 -March 13th, 2019

2 min readMar 13, 2019


Development Update:

1. Developed EOS account creation, import, token transfer and transaction record inquiry functionalities of Qbao Network V4.1

2. Ran Internal test of all the functionalities relevant to integration of EOS in Qbao Network V4.1.

3. Developed functionalities of integration of USDT in Qbao Network V4. 1.

4. Optimized DApp Store interface to make users more accessible to various DApps.

5. Ongoing development of blockchain explorer of Qbao Chain.

6. Ongoing development of DApp in Qbao Network ecosystem.

Marketing & Operation Update:

1. Qbao Network founder and CEO Chen Lin was interviewed by Blockchain Journey to talk about his experience in technology and entrepreneurship on 5th March 2019.

2. Qbao Network co-founder and COO Nathan Sun was interviewed by the top blockchain medium Jinse.com to share his perspective on blockchain industry on 6th March 2019

3. Qbao Network co-founder and COO Nathan Sun was invited by CBE to join in its blockchain event in Shanghai on 9th March 2019.

4. Qbao Network partner & CSO Tracy Shi visited several EOS nodes, communities and DApp projects management teams to prepare the full integration of EOS in Qbao Network ecosystem.

5. Qbao Network attended a 2019 Blockchain Technology Application Summit hosted by Shanghai Jiading District Government on 13th March 2019.

