Qbao Network Update: July 26th, 2019 — September 3rd, 2019

3 min readSep 3, 2019


Development Update

1. Development of Qbao Network V4.5

a. Updated Qbag top up and withdraw system, which enables crypto transferring between external address and user’s Qbag address directly.

b. In-house testing of updated Qbag top up and withdraw system.

c. Updated emoji database of social section to provide more emoji to the users.

2. Discussed Initial Wallet Offering (IWO) system with cooperative partners, carried out product design and set development schedule.

3. On-going development of IWO system;

4. Optimized Qbao Network payment system PAYX to adopt current exchange rate between crypto and fiat currency in real time;

5. Discussed technical details with a game platform and analyzed the possibilities and workload of integrating this game platform in Qbao Network;

6. Ongoing research in Mimblewimble and privacy focused protocol Grin.

7. Ongoing research on Zero-knowledge Proof and a privacy coin Sero.

8. Ongoing development of Qbao Chain.

9. On-going technical supports to game provider, Coingame.

10. Updated Qbao Network official website and uploaded it on 15th August.

Marketing & Operation Update

1. Qbao Network Partner & CSO Tracy Shi was invited by blockchain media, Lieyun, to attend BitUniverse Shanghai Meetup on 28th July 2019, to discuss the potentials of Grid Trading with other guests.

2. Qbao Network co-hosted an airdrop with Arcblock community and EATT community. Users can deposit ABT in Qbao Network wallet during August 1st 8am to August 31st 4pm and get 1:1 EATT airdrop.

3. Qbao Network co-founder and COO Nathan Sun, Partner & CSO Tracy Shi were invited by Cocos to attend Global Blockchain Gaming Ecosystem Conference on 2nd August 2019.

4. Qbao Network Partner & CSO Tracy Shi was invited by DAppLink to attend blockchain game developer meet-up on 3rd August 2019.

5. Qbao Network Partner & CSO Tracy Shi was invited Crypto Monday to attend privacy protocol event on 6th August 2019. She discussed the pros and cons of Beam, Grin and Sero and with developers and project founders.

6. Qbao Network Partner & CSO Tracy Shi was invited to attend Tron’s application Biyong Bao’s online promotion event on 6th August 2019.

7. Qbao Network Partner & CSO Tracy Shi was invited by a famous blockchain media CoinVoice to attend Crypto Night on 13th August 2019.

8. Qbao Network established a strategic cooperation with a renewable energy focused protocol GECT on 20th August 2019. The two parties will have a series of cooperation in marketing and community development.

9. Qbao Network co-founder and CEO Chen Lin, Partner & CSO Tracy Shi were invited by the top blockchain media, Huoxing to attend POW’ER 2019 Developer Conference in Beijing during 20th August to 21st August.

10. Qbao Network co-founder and CEO Chen Lin, Partner & CSO Tracy Shi were invited by Block VC to attend Troy Night event on 20th August 2019. There are a lot of professional crypto traders attending this event.

11. Qbao Network co-founder and CEO Chen Lin, Partner & CSO Tracy Shi were invited by MXC exchange to attend MXC night party on 20th August 2019.

12. Qbao Network Partner & CSO Tracy Shi was invited by the top token fund association, NOVA Club to attend Nova & Cointelegraph night on 21th August 2019.

13. Qbao Network Partner & CSO Tracy Shi was invited by one of the top mining pools, Poolin and attend Poolin’s China Tour — Shanghai meetup on 25th August 2019. There are many Bitcoin miners attending this meetup.

14. Qbao Network co-founder and COO Nathan Sun, Partner & CSO Tracy Shi were invited by a famous exchange CoinTiger to attend CoinTiger’s Dinner Party on 30th August, 2019.

15. Qbao Network co-founder and COO Nathan Sun, Partner & CSO Tracy Shi were invited by Lbank to attend a celebration party of launching exchange platform token LBK.

Qbao Network wallet is available iTunes and Google Play. Welcome to download it anytime and join our community.

Our official website is https://qbao.fund/

