Industry 4.0: transparency for better understanding

2 min readOct 2, 2019


Accurate real-time information at all levels of the factory provides visibility into processes and operations. It is also a precondition to understand current performance and spot new opportunities: from underperforming areas as well as over the average ones.

Events can be traced across levels and associated with specific outcomes. Events tracing can be done at the human level, but much time can be saved if it can be done at the machine level, relating relevant events to a specific outcome and displaying them in a proper format and granularity.

With Qlector LEAP we are committed to delivering a world-class solution in this area, providing intelligent events filtering, association and ranking to display only information that is relevant given certain context at the right time and place.

Real-time information we gather is analyzed and converted into insights, which are delivered to our notification center. The notification center is envisioned as a service that takes into account the context, content, and relevance of insights to prioritize them and notify people through different channels in the organization so that they can take action upon them.

An example is insights related to scrap in the production lines. An increment in scrap quantities is relevant to the person that manages a production line, but not to managers of multiple lines: to them, it would be an information overload. On the other side, production line downtimes are relevant to both.

Notifications bring transparency into the process and enable quick reactions to any issues that may affect the production. Ranking issues by relevance, grouping them by target audience and using different channels to deliver them (SMS, emails, web notifications) are key practices to avoid notification fatigue and ensure insights are well received.




QLECTOR is a start-up company developing artificial intelligence based solutions for manufacturing, logistics and finance industry.