Crypto Canvas Week One Results

3 min readOct 13, 2021


Qtum’s Web Wallet NFT event began on October 6th, and the first week of lucky draw prizes have been awarded (everyone that entered got lucky!). A variety of images were created ranging from illustrations, animations, photos, and memes in formats such as GIF, animated GIF, PNG, and HTML.

To enter the event, people used the Web Wallet to create an NFT and then sent it to a “registration address” on Qtum testnet. There is still plenty of time to learn how to create NFTs and join Crypto Canvas for week 2. More information at

Here is a composite collection of week one images:

Images are copyright by the NFT creators as identified on Discord Qtum Decentral #crypto-canvas channel. NFTs can have a variety of aspect ratios as seen (square thumbnails are shown in the wallet) and moving images were screen-captured for the composite image.

Transactions and the Explorer

People found it easy to create NFTs but there were some questions about the steps to enter by submitting the transaction IDs for creating the NFTs and then sending the NFT to the registration wallet address. Both those steps are completed on the blockchain by sending a transaction, which creates a unique transaction ID. Creating vs. sending and NFT can be distinguished because creating the NFT requires about 240,000 to 300,000 gas (to power the smart contract) while sending the NFT requires about 30,000 to 54,000 gas:

Create NFT Gas Used 243,359, Send NFT Gas Used 53,709

The gas used is shown after the transaction is published in the next block.

Another issue people encountered was the “status code 404” error. After sending a transaction, if you immediately click on the green transaction ID link the transaction has not yet propagated through the Web Wallet backend to the blockchain. The transaction is not even in the “mempool” (waiting to be published), so the explorer can’t display the transaction and gives this error. If you encounter this “status code 404” error, wait a few seconds and refresh the browser to see the transaction. Once the transaction publishes in the next block it will show a confirmation and (for smart contract transactions) the gas used.

Bug Bounty

The first bug bounty reports will be evaluated this week, and a few good ones have been submitted. Good bug reports, which show a problem with the steps needed to reproduce that bug, will receive a bounty of 20 QTUM (for the first 20 good reports).

We encourage users to test out the NFT creating and sending functions, make sure the controls and fields are working as expected, and carefully document any problems found. Submit reports on the Bug Report Form.

