Join Crypto Canvas and Help Test Qtum NFTs

4 min readSep 29, 2021


Welcome to Qtum Crypto Canvas which will test NFT creation using the Qtum Web Wallet. The campaign will run from October 6, 2021, through November 2, 2021.

The goal of the program is for users to create NFTs on Qtum Testnet, send NFTs to the “registration wallet”, post their NFTs on Discord, and report any bugs found.

A video introduction to Crypto Canvas is coming soon.

The Crypto Canvas campaign will run from 12:00 am (0000 hours or midnight) GMT on Wednesday, October 6, 2021, until 12:00 am GMT on Tuesday, November 2, 2021.

The first part of the campaign will be a lucky draw for creating and sending NFTs. Each week of the campaign, 20 new NFTs for that week will be chosen in a lucky draw to receive 1.0 QTUM each, for the weeks ending at 12:00 am on October 12, October 19, October 26, and November 2.

The second part of the campaign will be bug bounty reporting. When creating and sending NFTs, pay close attention and document any bugs found on the Crypto Canvas Bug Report form. The bounty for new, reproducible bugs reported will be 20 QTUM each, for up to 20 bugs reported during the campaign.

Lucky Draw

To enter the Crypto Canvas lucky draw, take these steps:

1. Create 1 to 10 NFTs using the Qtum Web Wallet on Testnet. See how to do this in the blog Making NFTs with the Qtum Web Wallet or in the Qtum Web Wallet Manual at Creating and Sending NFTs.

2. Join Discord Qtum Decentral. Post the NFT image and NFT creating (minting) transaction ID on the #crypto-canvas channel.

3. On Discord, send a direct message “I’m entering Crypto Canvas” to CCadmin2860 with the NFT minting transaction ID.

4. CCadmin2860 will respond (within 24–48 hours) with the registration testnet wallet address for your entry.

5. Complete your entry by sending at least one of your NFTs to the registration testnet wallet address.

6. On the direct message thread with CCadmin2860, give the send transaction ID (from step 5) and your Qtum mainnet reward address (if your NFT is chosen for an award).

Lucky Draw Rules

1. One NFT entry per week per Discord user. The weeks will end at 12:00 am GMT on October 12, October 19, October 26, and November 2.

2. The lucky draw will favor original work and entrants represent that they hold the copyright and give permission for Qtum to publish any NFTs on social media, with attribution.

3. The lucky draw will favor single-user accounts over users with multiple accounts or bots.

Bug Bounty

The goal of the bug bounty program is for participants to identify a serious bug, and report that bug in sufficient detail for our developers to reproduce the bug to fix it. The Bug Report form will provide the required information, and a Google Gmail address (could be any Gmail address the participant controls) is required to complete the form and upload the wallet debug file or screen captures.

The bug bounty program will pay 20.0 QTUM to the first reporter of a specific problem using the Bug Report form, with up to 20 bounties as chosen by the development team in the 4 weeks of the program. There is no limit on the number of bugs a user may submit.

Bug Report form

Debug Logs

A requirement for the bug report is to submit the wallet debug logs. The debug logs should cover the time or the transaction (if applicable) where the bug was observed. You can download the debug log file by selecting “Settings” and “DOWNLOAD LOGS”:


The debug logs do not contain any confidential information.

These are not reportable bugs:

  • I don’t like the color of the wallet NFT page
  • This happened one time, but I’m not sure why or how and I haven’t seen it again
  • My buddy reported this bug yesterday and now I am reporting it.

You may be able to find some bugs by abusing the NFT page controls, overloading the data fields, and exploring the limits of NFT authoring. Good luck with bug hunting!

