Quantum Computing in Healthcare

QuAIL Technologies
QuAIL Technologies
Published in
5 min readJan 29, 2023

For additional references on Quantum Computing see: A History of Quantum Computing, Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks, Quantum Artificial Intelligence, Hybrid Quantum-Classical Algorithms, Quantum Computing in Finance, and Quantum Processing Units (QPUs).

Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry. While the technology necessitates a different way of thinking, various companies worldwide are working to enable seamless integration with existing systems. In healthcare, quantum computers, in concert with classical computers, are likely to bestow substantial advantages that classical computing alone cannot deliver. Quantum-enhanced machine learning algorithms are particularly relevant to the sector as access to an abundance of health-relevant data continues to grow. The key potential use cases for quantum computing in the healthcare industry include diagnostic assistance, precision medicine, accelerated drug discovery, and pricing optimization. Diagnostic assistance could help diagnose patients early, accurately, and efficiently, precision medicine could allow more personalized interventions and treatments, accelerated drug discovery could get new medicine to patients faster, and pricing optimization could help to refine insurance premiums and pricing by utilizing more accurate risk assessments. Additionally, Quantum Computing could improve the analysis of medical imaging through the use of Quantum Artificial Intelligence algorithms. With significant investments being made to deliver data and powerful insights at the point of care, now is the time for healthcare providers to get started with quantum computing and engage with partners and quantum ecosystems.

Use Cases Being Developed

Diagnosing diseases faster and more accurately

An early and accurate diagnosis usually leads to better outcomes and lower treatment costs. For example, survival rates increase by a factor of 9, and treatment costs decrease by a factor of 4 when colon cancer is diagnosed early. Hybrid Quantum-Classical machine learning models could improve the analysis of medical images such as CT scans, MRI scans, and X-ray scans by improving processing steps such as edge detection and image matching.

Quantum Computers have the potential to process vast amounts of data quickly and accurately. This allows them to identify patterns in the data that may not have been visible before. For example, they could be used to compare genetic sequences between different individuals to identify markers associated with certain diseases or conditions.

Precision Medicine

Precision/personalized medicine could be drastically improved by leveraging quantum systems, providing doctors with detailed insights into individual patient’s genetic makeup and health history. With this information, medical professionals could tailor treatments to each patient based on their unique needs. This could result in better patient outcomes and reduced healthcare costs due to fewer misdiagnoses or ineffective treatments.

Furthermore, advanced precision medicine techniques could profoundly impact preventative care as genome sequencing helps identify predispositions and increased likelihood of developing particular ailments. Given that estimates attribute only 10–20% of health outcomes to medical care, with the remaining percentage coming from genetics and various lifestyle factors, the use of Quantum systems could lead to meaningful improvements in preventative care outcomes.

Accelerated Drug Discovery

The drug discovery process is long and expensive, but quantum computing can speed up this process significantly. Using machine learning algorithms combined with Quantum Computing technology, scientists can develop new drugs faster than ever before while reducing costs associated with drug development processes such as clinical trials by using in silico processes and clinical simulations.

Computationally, the interdependencies and correlations among the many factors involved in compound-protein interactions (CPIs) and protein-protein interactions (PPIs) create formidable challenges with regard to drug development. Replicating and simulating these complex chemical interactions are often beyond the computational capacity of classical computers. Quantum computers offer the potential to better understand complex biological systems at an atomic level with greater accuracy than ever before. This is because they can model interactions between molecules at a much finer scale than classical computers are capable of, allowing researchers to gain insight into how drugs interact with cells on a molecular level. This type of simulation could help scientists develop new drugs faster and more efficiently by simulating various drug combinations before conducting physical experiments in the lab. See AI in Biology. It could also help doctors determine which medications will work best for individual patients based on their unique genetic makeup or other factors — leading to personalized drug development.

Pricing Optimization

Determining health insurance premiums is a complex process that involves considering several factors, such as population health levels, individual disease risks, treatment suitability, and costs, amongst many others. Leveraging insights derived from quantum risk models that offer more precise risk measurements could decrease the financial burden of patients, healthcare providers, and insurance companies. In addition, quantum algorithms could enable superior classification and pattern detection, which may help uncover anomalous behavior or fraudulent medical claims leading to lower costs associated with fraud loss.

Streamlining medical imaging

Medical imaging is an essential tool doctors use when diagnosing illnesses or injuries. Still, it can be time-consuming because it relies on manually interpreting images taken from X-rays or MRI scans. However, quantum computing has the potential to streamline this process by automating image analysis tasks through advanced algorithms that can detect abnormalities quickly and accurately without human intervention. There are existing applications in this area that have achieved strong performance. However, Quantum Artificial Intelligence offers the potential for improved image analysis by accelerating the learning process and enlarging existing datasets through Quantum Generative Networks.

Quantum Computing has immense potential to improve healthcare outcomes by assisting with diagnosis, facilitating more personalized medical intervention & treatment, accelerating drug discovery, optimizing healthcare pricing, and improving medical image analysis. While these applications are still in their infancy, there is little doubt we will see significant advances in quantum applications in healthcare over the coming years. Healthcare organizations should engage with the quantum community to stay up-to-date with the latest developments, explore potential use cases, and begin implementing relevant applications where possible.

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QuAIL Technologies
QuAIL Technologies

QuAIL Technologies researches and develops Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence software for the worlds most challenging problems.