Quantum Optimization and Simulation in Finance

QuAIL Technologies
QuAIL Technologies
Published in
7 min readJan 31, 2023

For additional references on Quantum Computing, see: A History of Quantum Computing, Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks, Quantum Artificial Intelligence, Hybrid Quantum-Classical Algorithms, Quantum Computing in Finance, and Quantum Processing Units (QPUs).

Quantum computing is an emerging technology that has the potential to revolutionize the financial industry due to its ability to solve certain computationally complex problems faster than traditional computers. By exploiting quantum mechanical properties, quantum computers can provide a significant speed-up for certain optimization problems and help create more robust risk models. This could have significant implications in finance, allowing for more efficient portfolio optimization and risk analysis. These models can be used to assess the potential losses from different types of investments, such as stocks, bonds, derivatives, and commodities amongst many others. By using quantum computing to simulate the market conditions under which these investments are made, it is possible to estimate their expected returns and risks more accurately, leading to a more resilient portfolio. Investors and traders can then use this information to make more informed decisions.

The potential benefits of using quantum computing for financial risk management are clear: improved accuracy, increased efficiency, and reduced associated costs. Quantum computing could help with risks related to investments, liquidity, fraud, and money laundering, and could also help create optimal investing strategies, price financial instruments, improve economic stress tests, and much more. As such, there is ongoing research into developing robust methods based on quantum computation, which could be applied throughout the financial services industry, from banks and regulatory agencies to asset managers and insurance companies. The following will focus on two areas of application within the financial industry, portfolio optimization, and risk management, and will explore the relevant quantum algorithms being developed.

Portfolio Optimization

Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm

Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) is a quantum algorithm for finding solutions to combinatorial optimization problems. It was first proposed by Farhi, Goldstone, and Gutmann in 2014 and worked by encoding an optimization problem into a Hamiltonian that can be simulated on a quantum computer. In Quantum Computing, a Hamiltonian is an operator that describes the total energy of a system. It is usually written as a sum of terms representing the energy associated with some aspect of the system. The Hamiltonian can be used to calculate the time evolution of a quantum state and determine its properties. Once the problem is encoded, the algorithm then uses an iterative process of alternating between two different types of unitary operations, phase separations, and mixing operators, to find an approximate solution to the problem.

QAOA can be used to solve complex financial problems such as portfolio optimization by exploring all possible combinations of assets to find the combination that best maximizes returns while minimizing risk. This is a computationally expensive problem, given the number of variables and associated interdependencies amongst assets. Additionally, QAOA can help identify optimal hedging strategies or areas where additional investments should be made to create a more robust portfolio and reduce potential losses. By utilizing QAOA, portfolio managers can quickly identify and implement optimal asset allocations more accurately than with traditional methods.

Variational Quantum Eigensolver

The goal of any optimization algorithm is to find the point within the solution space with the lowest cost. However, this can be difficult when dealing with a large number of variables and parameters due to the associated computational complexity. Instead of relying solely on classical methods, investment managers and financial professionals can leverage both classical and quantum computing power to derive more reliable solutions than traditional algorithms can provide alone.

The Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) is a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm that seeks to find an upper bound of the lowest eigenvalue of a given Hamiltonian. It combines a parameterized quantum circuit with an optimizer running on a classical computer, allowing it to solve optimization problems that are difficult to calculate with classical methods alone. The process begins by defining the problem as a matrix of numbers, then uses operators and quantum gates to transform it into an estimation of its eigenvalue. The VQE iterates until the result converges, providing an approximate solution for challenging combinatorial problems.

The main advantage of using VQE in portfolio optimization is that it allows investors to consider all possible combinations of assets at once rather than evaluating each combination sequentially until they find one that meets their criteria. This makes it much faster and easier for investors to optimize their portfolios without sacrificing accuracy or precision. Additionally, because VQE takes into account correlations between different assets when evaluating potential investments, it can help reduce overall risk by diversifying an investor’s holdings across multiple asset classes simultaneously.

Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization

Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO) is an optimization technique that solves problems involving binary variables. It is a non-linear programming problem that seeks to minimize or maximize an objective function subject to certain constraints. QUBO can be used for maximizing returns, minimizing risk, a combination of these, or achieving some other desired outcome. QUBO can help identify the most efficient and profitable asset allocations by considering both expected return and risk associated with each asset class. This method allows investors to create portfolios that meet their individual goals while considering all relevant factors, such as volatility, the correlation between portfolio constituents, and liquidity needs.

QUBO has become an increasingly popular tool for portfolio optimization due to its ability to quickly identify efficient portfolios without requiring complex mathematical models or assumptions about future market conditions. It also allows investors to consider multiple objectives when creating their portfolios instead of focusing on one goal at a time. This makes it easier for investors to make informed decisions based on a multitude of relevant factors in an efficient and timely manner.

Quantum Risk Modeling

Quantum Amplitude Estimation

Monte Carlo simulations are the most common risk modeling methods used in the financial industry. This type of statistical sampling technique is used to approximate solutions to quantitative problems. Monte Carlo simulation works by randomly sampling from a probability distribution for each variable in a given model. The process is repeated multiple times, and the results are analyzed to determine the probabilities of different outcomes occurring. This allows you to see how likely certain events are to occur and their potential impact. Advantages include the ability to handle multiple sources of uncertainty, flexibility in modeling different scenarios, and higher accuracy than other evaluation techniques. The main disadvantage of Monte Carlo methods is their slow convergence rate. This means that the accuracy of the estimates increases slowly as more samples are taken, which can lead to long computation times for complex problems with many variables or parameters. Additionally, some problems may require a considerable number of samples before converging on an accurate solution, making them impractical for certain types of analysis. Finally, since Monte Carlo simulations rely heavily on random numbers generated by computers (which are not truly random), they may suffer from bias if not adequately designed or implemented.

Quantum Monte Carlo variations involve preparing relevant probability distributions in a quantum superposition and implementing the payoff functions via quantum circuits to determine probability outcomes. This information can help investors understand how much risk they are taking on when making certain investments and provide insight into how their portfolio might perform over time. This method and others that serve the same objective rely on Quantum Amplitude Estimation or QAE.

Quantum Amplitude Estimation (QAE) is a powerful algorithm that can achieve a quadratic speedup over classical Monte Carlo methods. Recent breakthroughs have enabled traditional amplitude estimation hardware-intensive components — controlled multi-qubit gates, and quantum Fourier transform — to be replaced by classical post-processing or circuit depth reduction via interpolation between MC methods and amplitude estimation. Variational Quantum Amplitude Estimation (VQAE) is an approach that reduces the quantum computational requirements for amplitude estimation by using variational optimization to keep the circuit depth below a desired maximum value. On the other hand, Iterative Quantum Amplitude Estimation (IQAE) leverages similar ideas as VQAE but does not require QPE, i.e., it is solely based on Grover iterations and allows for rigorous error and convergence bounds to be proven.

Quantum risk models also offer a unique approach for analyzing complex financial instruments such as derivatives and options contracts, with numerous organizations already implementing quantum models for this specific task. By utilizing amplitude estimation algorithms, it may be possible to quickly identify areas where there may be hidden risks or opportunities that would otherwise go unnoticed by traditional analysis methods.

The Monte Carlo simulation process classically used for estimating value at risk (VaR)

In conclusion, although quantum computing is still in the early days of development, recent advances have already shown promise around real-world financial problems like portfolio optimization and risk modeling. Further research should be done to explore how to best leverage this technology’s immense capabilities and incorporate the insights derived into the financial services industry. From more robust investment portfolios to improved regulatory monitoring systems, the potential is immense. With further refinement and development of quantum computing technology over time, we will likely see it become increasingly commonplace within our financial institutions.

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QuAIL Technologies
QuAIL Technologies

QuAIL Technologies researches and develops Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence software for the worlds most challenging problems.