Easy-Read Version: Building a better future for everyone: The importance of Universal Design

3 min readAug 12, 2023


Photo by Mahad Aamir on Unsplash

When Thomas Newcomen and James Watt created the first Steam Engine, they didn’t know it would spark a big change called the Industrial Revolution. This change was really important in history and helped shape today’s society. It also led to new technology thanks to the work of Newcomen and Watt.

But what’s coming next? What will make the next big technology leap? Some people think space travel and medical progress, like finding a cure for cancer, could be important. However, I think the next big leap in technology will come from including everyone, and this idea is called Universal Design.

So, what’s Universal Design (UD)? Basically, UD means making technology and things like buildings with disabled people in mind. But it also means thinking about the worst situations. Often, when designers make things, they make them for people who can do everything easily, like they can. But this way of thinking limits new ideas and only works for the usual way of doing things.

I believe that when we design things for people who don’t have many choices, it makes us think differently about disabled people, technology, and even how businesses work. My main idea is simple:

“Design for the Disabled, and you’ll help everyone else too.”

The main issue is that our society is made for people who are not disabled, which leaves out disabled people and their communities. People who aren’t disabled can do more things on their own and have more choices. Disabled people might not be able to find jobs or do things that need physical effort like others can.

When we look closely at the reasons for this difference, we see they’re not strong reasons. Do machines really need such complicated controls? Do we have to use dials and levers? Could machines work on their own and let more people use them? A lot of the time, the answer to these questions is no.

So why do we mainly think about people who can do the same things we can? If we make things that are easier for everyone, it also helps us. It makes our jobs easier and keeps us safe from getting hurt. Making technology, software, websites, and tools that everyone can use is a good idea for everyone. There are lots of benefits.

When we talk about making websites and tools online, the key is to make them easy to use. Adding tools for people with learning disabilities is important too, not just tools like screen readers or changing font sizes. For example, this article has an easy version at the top for people who need it.

With new technology like Artificial Intelligence, we could make tools like Speechify for people with learning disabilities. It’s important to keep questioning if the things we make are really accessible, both in businesses and governments. This will help everyone be included. This is the base for the next big technology leap, which will bring many new ideas.




I’m a 25 year old Political Scientist/Economist from Scotland. I mostly approach things from a Neo-Ricardian perspective and love talking Business and Int Pol.