Remote work: challenges, and best practices

3 min readApr 9, 2020


We asked 150–200 people to brainstorm together about the challenges of remote work and how do they cope with them. Here is what they said.

An aircrew from the California Air National Guard’s flies a remotely piloted aircraft. Image credit:

Methodology: we used our own tool, Quantified.Company to gather data, which mixes qualitative and quantitative functions. People can answer open questions by adding opinions and voting them up/down in parallel. They can see everybody’s opinion but only their own votes, and the data collection is anonymous. Overall, this means that we can gather data really fast from a big number of people without influencing their input with closed questions. You can still participate using these links:

👍 What habits, tools, practices work for you when working from home?

🤔 What are the biggest challenges of remote work for you?

People were eager to participate, they worked with high energy, compared to other collections.

Let’s see the top 10 challenges

We found that most of the challenges could be put into two main categories: energy level (motivation and fitness), and productivity (focus, distraction, separating work and family modes).

Top ten tips and best practices

We did not find any particular pattern here, people added tips in various categories.

Challenges are widely different for people

The surprising part is that they did not agree about the challenges of remote work.

People strongly disagreed on the challenges of remote work

Interestingly the grouping we’ve used did not explain the differences. People added their company size and role at registration, but those factors seem to be independent from the disagreement.

We would see stronger red (disagree) or green (agree) patterns in the columns of these groupings would explain the difference between the votes of people.

What is next?

People are settling down in their home offices, kitchens and children’s rooms. We get used to work here, we have our computers, our colleagues online, and we get better in online work. In the near future we will be ready to climb up on Maslow’s pyramid. What is the next interesting question in this new world? Here are some of the ones our partners are asking from their teams:

How to get stronger

  • What should we do to get stronger at the end of the crisis?
  • What to accomplish during the crisis?

How to get stronger

  • What should we do to get stronger at the end of the crisis?
  • What to accomplish during the crisis?

What is your next question? What would you ask from your whole company? Let us know in comments / DMs / or email:


You can dig deeper into the data using this presentation

You can watch András Batiz and Tamás Terray talking about the results on HR Fest online (Hungarian)




Engagement, empowerment, EQ. Tools for agile organisational development.