Big Changes are Coming for QuantisNetwork!

Quantis Network (Official)
4 min readFeb 20, 2020


Heads up! IPV6 Killswitch will commence soon!

Efforts to gradually lead our users to migrate to IPV4 from IPV6 is coming to its ultimate conclusion. The team has endeavored and given ample time to power users who still have numerous deployed IPV6 masternodes.

That time is about to end upon deployment of the new mandatory wallet upgrade.

The decision to move masternodes to IPV4, has long been justified on several fronts.

To quote from QuantisNet developer Llama#7424

(Discord: )

The problem with IPV6 is quite clear. IPV4 cannot communicate with IPV6, and the vast majority of ISP’s use IPV4. So, what we end up with is a network of users that can’t really ‘use’ the IPV6 nodes and that puts a significant strain on IPV4.

The other problem with IPV6 is that it is very easy to host loads of them on a substandard server, therefore these nodes struggle to function due to the system load and don’t really contribute.

Again, the team is strongly encouraging users to move to an IPV4 masternode solution.

QHost Updates!

Qhost Front-End Proof of Concept

To-date QHost is actively in development with over 1,500 user masternodes currently hosted on the platform. Development work for the user-facing interface is the priority with the user migrations as a focal point.

Users who wish to onboard their IPV6 masternodes may contact mastertrader777#3108 (Discord: )

Costs of hosting masternodes on QHost are going down to competitive levels as more users migrate. Suffice to say, more users mean more user discounts.

Users who wish to onboard their IPV6 masternodes may contact mastertrader777#3108 (Discord: )

The QuantisNet developer team is actively collaborating with GTM (Gentarium developers) to create the front-end for QHost. Though no timeframe has been set, tentative estimates place project completion between 6–8 weeks from now.

For now, QHost operations are mostly run from the backend and masternodes are manually added into the system.

Plans to offer masternode hosting for other coins are a long-term possibility. The team is proud to announce that uptime has been consistently at 100%.

QuantisNet Development

Users are strongly advised to download the Mandatory Wallet Upgrade due to be released very soon. This upgrade would include the IPV6 kill switch and would also contain the necessary updates pertinent thereto:

  • [Validation] Fix initial blocks download.
  • Add new ‘stakeminage’ consensus change.
  • [Consensus] Update masternode min protocol to 70215 and min_peer_before_enforcement to 70214.
  • [Validation] Fix minage checks for IBD after spork
  • [Consensus] Update deployment times for dip1 and other BIPs

What this will do:

  • Upon time in epoch pasing more than the value on the SPORK_18_DISABLE_IPV6_MNS,all ipv6 mns will be not valid anymore.
  • Upon SPORK_18_DISABLE_IPV6_MNS being active,the new min peer protocol version will be 70215.

If you would like to follow our development progress feel free to check out our most recent commits on our GitHub Page!

Last Call Before IPV6 Deactivation

With a generous amount of time that the team has given to masternode holders, IPV6 deactivation is now happening in less than 72 hours.

Don’t wait until the QuantisNet IPV6 killswitch has been turned on before you migrate.

As a community coin, we firmly believe in creating an eco-system that is self-sustaining economically. The development team has many things in line for the community with the successful implementation of this very crucial feature.

Both MasternodeX and, figure prominently in this.

Please get in touch with MasterTrader777#3108 for inquiries regarding to hosting on the QHost Masternode platform.

Users who wish to onboard their IPV6 masternodes may contact mastertrader777#3108 (Discord: )







