Quantis Network Monthly Update

Quantis Network (Official)
6 min readSep 8, 2019


Quick Digest of Monthy Update:
  • Quantisnet wallet has been updated to Update now!
  • Trello development update board has gone Public!
  • Discussion on Quantis ecosystem, self-sustainability and more on development funds.

Quantisnet Wallet Update to

The much-anticipated release fixes a lot of the concerns with regard to “falling-off” nodes. As reported by various community members, there were instances when masternodes would “fall off”. The status of the node would display “New Start Required” instead of “ENABLED”. This new release comes with developer Akshaynexus’ updated chain-params checkpoints and seeders which are expected to improve connectivity.

With over 8,000 nodes, Quantis retains its #1 spot in MasternodeCap.com in the Number of Active Nodes Category.

New Masternode GUI and Masternode Tool

Another update included in is the incorporation by JSKitty of a Masternode Tool. This simplifies the process of setting up masternodes and gives the user more power and control over specific parameters.


The Masternode Panel now displays the following information and capabilities:

  • Get MN Priv Key
  • Get Outputs
  • Configure Masternode
  • Start alias
  • Start All
  • Start MISSING
  • Update Status
  • Show Info

Other Updates Include:

  • [Contrib] Update icons to QuantisNet in windows setup.
  • [Doc] Update gitian build instructions.
  • [Net] Catch subver parsing exceptions in DVM.
  • [Net/Qt] Fixed DVM bugs to avoid segfault.
  • [Net/Qt] Fixed DVM bug which causes update available notification even if there isn’t one.

Trello Development Board Now Public

In the spirit of transparency, the Quantis development team has enabled the broader Quantis community public access to its Trello board. Trello is a collaborative tool that allows remote teams to actively work together via an interactive tool that features boards, lists, cards, prioritization and more. This will give the general public an insider’s look inside what the development tasks are, how tasks are assigned and prioritized.


As we can see from the Trello Board, these are the current tasks:

  • Quan Proposal submissions for governance
  • Rewrite database mongodb related
  • Quantis mobile wallets
  • Finish up iOS UI and code
  • Quan Core
  • QHost Beta Frontend
  • BTC Pay Server Processor
  • Masternodes Leaderboard API
  • MasternodeX
  • Live Price Ticker
  • and more!

By enabling the public to see the Quantis Trello board, the greater cryptocurrency community gets a sneak peek at all the love and hard work the Quantis is doing behind the scenes. This shows that Quantis is an actively developed masternode coin that is way undervalued. Later on, with the incorporation of a governance structure in the ecosystem, the Quantis community can also vote for the features they would like to see in the coin’s development. As it is, the price is in a sweet spot right now to get in Quantis and participate in developing a privacy coin that is at par with industry standards.

Discussion about the Quantis Ecosystem and Self-Sustainability

One of the hardest and most controversial issues that arise every now and then about Quantis, is the issue about the premine. Yes, there is a premine worth about 200,000,000 Quan locked in a developer address and yes, it is staking. This has caused some controversy in the past, though the team believes it to be a non-issue until such time that dissension occurs in a public forum such as Bitcointalk.

To address these concerns, we’d like to invite you to read an article on CoinDesk entitled: “As Crypto Markets Go Cold, Who Will Pay for Open-Source Code?” We got some excerpts to highlight a prevailing concern not just in the Quantis community, but also in other bigger coins such as Litecoin and Zcash.

“Zcash and Litecoin are experiencing difficulties funding development and other expenses. Both projects have indicated it is the market causing these issues.

The Litecoin Foundation’s finances are in the red. Founder Charlie Lee seemingly is just funding it at this point. Blame for this has been put on crypto’s bear market, which shows projects are more influenced by trading than most in the ecosystem realize.”

The article was written on September 5, 2019, and has referenced two of the most well-known coins in the industry. Previously, a conversation featuring Charlie Lee and Franklyn was leaked on Reddit detailing Litecoin’s current concerns:

Franklyn: I was extremely disappointed to discover that no progress had been made on CT since the announcement, especially when I stand on stage telling everyone it’s happening and we are actively working on it.

Charlie: The honest truth is that no one is interested in working on Litecoin protocol development work. At least no one technically competent. You can’t just throw money at this problem. This is true for Litecoin since the beginning. It has only been me, Warren, and Thrasher.

Charlie Lee later on dispelled these rumors and stated that LTC development was still ongoing. The key take-away from these conversations is simple: for development to occur, qualified developers must eat, live and occasionally be happy. Unlike Bitcoin (BTC) which has corporations like BlockStream, that are funded by benefactors and investors, smaller-cap coins rely on what little they can scrape up to continue moving the project along.

Blockchain developers and engineers are some of the highest-paid in the industry as the technology is still being digested, regurgitated and taught to a new breed of developers. Suffice to say, that they’re not particularly easy to come by. And if you do find some of them, they’re not cheap when they charge.

Growing the Ecosystem

As the governance structure is built and as we grow, the community the Quantis team is encouraging members to contribute what they can. Donations are appreciated and can be done through the Quantis Discord channel #donations.

Contributions could also come in kind. Growing a community means actively participating in marketing and promotional campaigns. You could help out by actively engaging on social media and most especially on the Quantis Bitcointalk thread.

Community Initiative

As a decentralized coin, part of decentralization entails creativity. The Quantis team cannot by themselves do this and would require members to undertake their own activities. A good example of this would be to say, putting up an online business that sells domains for Quan. You could also do web hosting that accepts payments in Quan. The sky is really the limit here and it only needs you to take the first step forward.

Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on a new phase in the history of Quantis Network.





For more information about QHost, MasternodeX and Quantis Network, please visit the following communication channels:

Web: https://www.quantisnetwork.org

Discord: https://discord.gg/thtDzqN

Facebook: http://facebook.com/QuantisNetwork

Twitter: https://twitter.com/quantisnetwork

Telegram: https://t.me/quantis

