The 30 Day Self Love Challenge

3 min readDec 28, 2014


Photo by Rachel Greenspan


When I was just seventeen years old, I decided it was time to pursue my dream of being an actress. I packed up my bags and moved from my quaint, little home in Nebraska to the big city of dreams, Los Angeles, California. I love being an actress, being in the spotlight, taking on new roles and challenges; however, working in the entertainment industry is not easy job. With this profession comes a lot of criticism and self-doubt. But what if it didn’t have to?

Back in January, I stumbled across the “rice experiment” floating around on social media. It is an experiment in the power of positive (and negative) thinking. Here’s how it works — you cook and separate three cups of rice, and each day you repeat the words “I love you” to one of the jars, “I hate you” to the next”, and nothing at all to the last. Others’ results were mind-blowing, with the rice receiving “I love you’s” barely changing while the others became moldy and rotted. I was so intrigued, I decided to take the challenge upon myself. I recorded the progress with my phone, everyday, for 30 days. Around day three I already noticed a difference, and it hit me. What if I did this with myself for 30 days? How would I change?

The challenge was on! I made a commitment: for 30 days straight, I would stare at myself in the mirror and say, “I love you.” At first it seemed awkward, and quite frankly, I was very emotional. Everyday I spoke about what was coming up in my life, while adding a few affirmations and statements of gratitude. It was the most vulnerable and real I have ever been.

Throughout these 30 days, I worked through issues affecting me emotionally, in my love life and career. After my experiment was done, I watched the videos I had taken during the exercise each day for the first time and noticed a tremendous change in myself, my appearance, my mannerisms, as the 30 days progressed. I had found the true meaning of self-love and how important it was.

From that moment, I knew I had to share this with others. The process is simple; anyone can start at any time by simply choosing a day when they will vow to love and appreciate themselves more. You can find even more coaching and encouragement right here.

The most important thing that has come from the #30DaysSelfLove Challenge is the community. Hundreds of men and women around the US have joined together and created a community to support one and other. This community has motivated me to stay on track and find my path to self-love. So many people have been completing the challenge more than once and are earning their “love warrior badges.” Their stories can be viewed here.

My main goal with this movement is to prove to others and the world that love and happiness starts within. This whole experience is an awakening of love and realizing we are all full of love. It’s also taken on a life of its own and created a path for a book and a soon-to-launch app that will be available later this year.

Everyone deserves to fall in love with themselves and accept themselves for who they really are. I challenge you to take the #30DaysSelfLoveChallenge, join the community and be prepared for all the love and goodness that is yet to come.

Originally published at



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