When Tarot or Oracle Reading, Should You Include Spirit or Not?

Queen Sereda Writes
3 min readSep 28, 2022
A photo of me taken by me

When Tarot or Oracle Reading, Include Spirit or Not?

This is a profound question to consider when divining for sure. The following questions are often asked of Tarot Readers, Mediums & Psychics plus curious tarot beginners. All folks really want to know is what’s the best practice here.

Questions to ask.

Commentary: However, this is no ordinary question that gets asked but here are some questions:

  1. As a tarot reader, Psychic or medium how do you use & view your tarot deck, divination tools, etc?
  2. Do you view your deck as a tool for communication with various spirits or God?
  3. Or do you use tarot as an oracle that certain spirits like your ancestors, spirit guides, or angels can use with you to speak to them for answers?
  4. Or do you view a divination tool’s answers as a reflection of what’s happening in the querent’s life?
  5. Are spirits directly involved or do you include spirits guidance at all when working with a client?

Get some answers.

In order to answer these questions overall, to me, a reader would choose what to do here based on their relationship with…



Queen Sereda Writes

A fun but detailed creative content creator, a story + article whisperer, editor, ghost writer and self published author.