Bleeding Roses

1 min readFeb 27, 2019


The blood-red petals seem to flow as though it is blood

They drip, drip, drip with the rain

The color fades away at the start of another day

The stem pokes at those who get too close

The blood of the one that is pierced falls on the seductive rose

The color restored to it’s grandeur, the beauty running through it once more

The trap of a vision, beguiling the prey to it

The stab of affliction that feeds another

Hidden among those who love them

Inattentive to the danger that is adjacent

The marvelous rose, the bloodred

A deathtrap among the few

But is made by the many

Beware of the peril, beware of the threat

Beware of the roses

Whose thoughts are to consume the red

Who tries to lure you in to consume before depleted

Beware of the many

Beware of the





Hello! My dream is to become an author/poet. I am cheerful, optimistic and am also an introvert. I write poetry and am in the writing of two to three books.