How to Increase the Response Rate of Your Cold Email Part 1 of 2

4 min readApr 14, 2023


Image source: Unsplash

Here’s an unusual piece of statistics that might blow your mind (it did blow my mind, at least).

80% of your target audience prefers you connect with them over cold email.

Yes, you read it right. Of out every 10 people you target, 8 prefer cold email over phone calls or meetings.

Come to think of it, cold emails might make sense. They save time for recipients (they can read them however much they want) and they allow time flexibility (they can read them whenever much they want).

Contrast this with a call or a meeting, where they have to allot a certain time of the day to speak to you or meet with you.

That means if you master writing BETTER cold sales emails, you are mastering how you engage with 80% of your audience.

Massive, right?

But when we say better cold sales emails, we mean cold emails that get you a much better reply rate.

So let’s get down right away to the things that will increase the reply rate of your em

1. Make the email about them, not you

There are two aspects to making the email about them:

— You show that you’ve done enough research on them

— You offer to solve their problem

That means generic emails like the one below are doomed to fail:

Image courtesy: QuickEmailVerification

Make no mistakes, people reading your email have only one thing in their minds: What is in it for me?

Now see how using their email and some basic info on their business can change the acceptance of the recipient:

Image courtesy: QuickEmailVerification

No prizes for the guessing that the 2nd email will win by miles.

The email is more targeted. It increase the chances that the recipient will read on and take the action you want them to take.

2. Use a compelling subject line

The subject line is the first thing the recipient sees, so it’s important to make it interesting and relevant.

Here are two important pieces of statistics that will convince you why you want your subject line to be effective and precise.

The first one is a reminder to be never be misleading or confusing in your email subject line. There are many ways you can avoid the spam folder, and that’s important to learn because:

And here’s the more heartening data that reminds you to keep your subject line interesting:

One way of doing it is to try and include a benefit or offer that will entice the recipient to open the email.

Other ways to make your subject line compelling include:

  • Use powerful social proof
Image courtesy: QuickEmailVerification
  • Ask an important question they can’t ignore
Image courtesy: QuickEmailVerification
  • Mention a common contact that’s important for them
Image courtesy: QuickEmailVerification

3. Keep the email short and to the point

It’s very important to make sure your email reaches the inbox and not the junk folder.

But the next step is equally vital: engaging your recipient once you get them to your open your email.

Long emails are a waste of time — at least when you are only beginning to engage. And no prospect worth pursuing enjoys wasting their time.

Make your email as concise as possible. Also, focus on just one main idea or action. If you make too many requests, you only confuse the busy recipient, ultimately convincing them your email is not worth their time.

The below email makes that mistake; check it out:

Jim thinks he gave many choices to Ken. Unfortunately, Ken may feel confused and end up taking no action at all!

The one below is more focused and has a lot better chances of getting a response.

Notice how to-the-point Brandon has been in his email; and don’t miss the fact that he’s suggested exactly one action (the meeting).

How to Improve Your Cold Email Response Rate — Part 2

Did you know…?

… a clean email list will bring you way better response and a much higher ROI?




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