
A CryptoCurrency Interface

Quick Fix
6 min readSep 29, 2016

Jaxx is more than just a bitcoin wallet, they’re a cryptocurrency interface, with built in Shapeshift technology, that's accessible on 9 different platforms.

The Jaxx Wallet

The “BTC, ETH, DAO, ETC & DASH + ShapeShift” Wallet

Jaxx is the best and most secure cryptocurrency wallet available on the market, that being said, Jaxx is compatible over 9 different platforms, that’s a lot of markets. The Jaxx wallet is basically* available on any device running almost any OS, and is easily pairable across multiple platforms. Whether you’re running on Windows, Mac, iOS, Android you can download the Jaxx application and gain access to your funds, even pair accounts using the provided 12 word protection passphrase. Pairing a Jaxx wallet over multiple devices is super easy and fast, it only takes a second.

Jaxx is a holdings and trading wallet, meaning you can’t purchase digital assets with government currency (yet) like on Coinbase.com, or Poloniex.com which makes Jaxx strictly a wallet and not an exchange, but you can trade different digital assets between one another using ShapeShift within the app. Jaxx never asks for an eMail nor a password, because your credentials are kept client side, Jaxx never has access to your keys. This removes the risks of an attack on Jaxx affecting users, even if Jaxx was shut down or turned off users can always recover their funds with their 12 word backup passphrase. With the master private key (12 word phrase) Jaxx provides, you can recover the keys to the multiple funds stored on the single wallet.

Jaxx is simple, easy, and secure af! So, what else could you ask for from a wallet? Besides more additional digital assets like STEEM or LTC, because there just a matter of time away.

Tools & Wallets

Settings / Options

Jaxx has a plethora of above basic tools with an ever growing list of wallets to select from. So many and yet they still have an extremely user friendly UI all on a simple one screen display. To cut through the confusion I’m going to help Jaxx explain and try to simplify these as much as possible.

Jaxx has become almost thee all in-one-stop-and-swap-shop for cryptocoin users. Using only bitcoin from jump street ,you can swap for several other cryptocoins with ShapeShift, without leaving the wallet. The magic really comes into light under the hood of their tools. The Jaxx tools options are beyond convenient, esp if you were involved in the DAO and again with the ETH and ETC split… It looks like Jaxx wants to uphold the reputation of being the leader in digital asset wallets, and their really setting the bar for the other wallets out there.


Backup Phrase, Private Keys, Pair, Paper Wallet, ETH / ETC Split

The Backup Phrase “View and verify the 12-word phrase that backs up all of your Jaxx assets.” This 12-word phrase is your master key. The master key will unlock access to all the digital assets on that particular wallet. Meaning if you hand 1 BTC + 2 ETH on a Jaxx wallet and you lost access to your wallet for any reason you could open another Jaxx wallet and use that 12-word phrase to transfer all funds to the lost wallet onto the new wallet.

Private Keys “view and/or export your BTC, ETH, ETC, and DASH private keys and public address.” Private Keys differ from a backup phrase the same way a valet key differs from the car key. Private keys are to individual wallets and assets, one key one coin. Jaxx has 5 different digital assets available at this time. To backup each one separately you would have at least 5 different private keys, but to backup all 5 with one key, that would be a “master key”. Keep these keys safe and away from prying eyes!

Pair “pair your wallet to or from another device via a QR code or backup phrase.” If you use more than one device to interact with your Jaxx wallet you’re in luck! You can Pair you wallet(s) across devices over 9 different platforms, using a super simple pairing option built into the Jaxx wallet. Just open the current wallet, download and open the Jaxx wallet on your desired device and BAM instant access to all your glorious coins!!!

If you’re like me, a crazy paranoid nerd, you probably use Paper Wallets “transfer the funds from a paper wallet into Jaxx.” Ok, you don’t have to be “a crazy paranoid nerd” to be using paper wallets but odds are you’re probably concerned about safety. I say this because paper wallets are the safest places to keep bitcoin offline and off technology, but makes it near impossible to use as a currency for buying or selling, which is why you’d transfer the funds. To transfer the funds this just open the paper wallets tool option in the Jaxx settings and scan or enter the paper wallets private keys.

Only the crypto pros should use ETH / ETC Split “check if your Ethereum needs to be split.” When Ethereum forked it split the code into two, one being ETH the new updated (safer) code and the (vulnerable) old ETC. If you had ETH before the time of the fork you can pay a fee in the Jaxx app with the Split tool to split those tokens into two. Those two (one ETH and one ETC) coins after being split are still linked on the blockchain and if one of the two keys are moved (sold) the other will follow. You do not get free ETC to sell for more ETH, sorry not how it works.



Just to sum this up short and sweet, Jaxx will keep adding more and more assets to its platform the more we the users ask. Currently Jaxx only supports BTC, ETH, DAO, ETC, DASH, but it was only BTC a few months ago. . . Just wait a few years.

Jaxx’s ETH wallet has a super easy way to control the Gas Limit and add Custom Data to each transaction right from the send button. Select ETH go to send and look for the little down arrow next to the ShapeShift icon to display the Gas and Data options.


From: BTC To: ETC

“Holy ShapeShift Doctor! That bitcoin shifted into another asset, right before my eyes, and for a mysteriously tiny fee!”

Using Jaxx to hold bitcoin is their best and main feature, but Jaxx has thought of damn near everything. Jaxx added ShapeShift technology to their platform and it took them to the top of the bitcoin wallet foodchain. Jaxx has the security of an HD wallet, with the convenience of an exchange, without the risks of an attack. Just open the Jaxx app go to the wallet of an asset you want to shift and select send. After that a drop down menu for entering the amount and address will display. Look for the ShapeShift icon in the center next to the wallets “max” funds icon. after choosing the amount you want to shift tap the icon. From here select the coin you want to shift for by tapping the tiny down arrow next to the (i) icon. Double check all the dotted i’s and crossed t’s, make sure all is correct and press shift. Within minutes you’ll go from either BTC to DASH or ETH to BTC nearly endless options between the currently shiftable assets.


Now that you know Jaxx and all its glory, download the app today. With Jaxx, send, receive and ShapeShift assets all in one HD wallet, the Jaxx wallet. For more infomation on Jaxx, please visit TheBitcoinPodcast.com or click here to listen to their Jaxx interview episode.

Update: ShapeShift has dropped DAO. Jaxx will be removing DAO with its next update.

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