Download Quick Shortcut Maker APK for Android, iPhone/iPad & PC

2 min readSep 14, 2017

This app could create a Quick Shortcut Maker to an application from the listing of tasks which are installed on your phone.Even if many applications are installed, you can choose a task smoothly.

You could likewise use the Quick Shortcut Maker APK Download for looking the app which you intend to launch.If you want to use the app which you do not utilize regularly, maybe you have no shortcuts for it.

You could have to browse the app from a listing of many apps. Also if you recognize the name of the app, it’s difficult to locate it.

In this scenario, the Quick Shortcut Maker will help you discovering the app. Please attempt!

This might work. However please utilize it at your very own risk!You can make shortcuts to concealed setup displays which are generally not easily accessible.

Even if you ran into any type of troubles utilizing this app or faster ways created by this app, I don’t have any type of obligation regarding that. Please be sure to use this app at your own danger.

If you could not develop shortcut, please attempt the complying with actions:

  1. Long-tap the house screen.
  2. Tap “WIDGETS”.
  3. Long-tap “Tasks” which has the QuickShortcutMaker’s symbol.
  4. Drag it to someplace on the display.
  5. QuickShortcutMaker will be launched.
  6. Select a task, modify it, and faucet “Create”.
  7. A shortcut will be produced on the home screen.

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Quick Shortcut Maker Download Quick Shortcut Maker (APK) for PC, Android, iPhone Free

Quick Shortcut Maker Download APK — Quick Shortcut Maker for PC, Android, iPhone Free

Quick Shortcut Maker Download for PC, Laptop, Windows 8,10, Mac, iPhone

Regarding Net access consent:

From the variation 2.0.1, for a much more fast enhancement of the app, you will be requested an additional authorization to access network to make sure that the app could send an in-depth mistake record to designer.

The app makes use of network just to send mistake reports.When it connects, a confirmation message will be presented, so please felt confident.

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