8 Ways To Include Twitter In Your Trade Show Plan

Awesome Surveys. Anywhere
3 min readMay 19, 2017


Twitter can be used before, during and after your event to help boost your visitor numbers, increase your leads generated and even help you make connections you might have otherwise missed. Incorporating Twitter into your strategy allows you to get engaged with attendees and provide up to the minute real-time information and engagement. Love to tweet but not sure how it fits into your trade show strategy? These are just a few of the ways you can use Twitter to promote your brand for your next show.


8 Ways To Include Twitter In Your Trade Show Plan

Use the HashTag: The event has likely already set up hashtags for use on social media — use them and anyone searching your event will be able to spot your tweets, even if they have a busy stream. Using hashtags ensures that your tweets are reaching the right audience and can expose you to a whole new group of prospects.

Include Booth and People Photos: As you tweet before and during the event, include photos of your team and booth in action. Pictures help prospects identify you at the event and make it more likely they’ll stop by. You’ll be able to show off all of the great things you have going on and build buzz about your booth and brand. Post as the day goes on to engage with people at the event and encourage them to stop by.

Run a Contest: Hold promotions and contests throughout the day with a secret word or phrase — provide those who visit and share the code word with a promotional gift. Set these items up in advance in a special bag just for your Twitter prospects and have them ready to hand out to visitors.

Host a Selfie Station: Set up a spot with your logo for visitors to take a selfie and share it. If you have cute photo props or frames, this can become a big incentive for attendees to share your booth as they share their selfies. Save the shared images and set up a slideshow on your blog after the show; people will visit your site just to see their photos and relive the event.

Hold Twitter Specials: Announce special codes for savings on Twitter and set a limited time frame. Visitors who place orders during that time period and who mention Twitter can get a special incentive.

Showcase your Demo or Giveaway: Got an amazing bit of swag or a fun demo or speaker? Tweet it up and watch visitors flock to your booth.

Don’t Forget Prospects Who Can’t Attend: Use the event hashtag and offer a special incentive to those who are interested in the event, but couldn’t come. It could be a swag bag of your promo materials, a special discount or something similar; this can generate leads and orders even from prospects who can’t attend the event.

Direct Tweet your Best Prospects: Send a tweet to those prospects you know and who follow you on twitter mentioning them and highlighting their photo, business or product. This can help boost engagement and may motivate the prospect to stop by and say hi in person. You can also connect in the days before the event to let your best clients and prospects know you’d love to see them on the big day or that you have a special item just for them.

Originally published at QuickTapSurvey Blog.

