Free Customer Survey Template

Awesome Surveys. Anywhere
3 min readJun 30, 2015


If you’re reading this, you already know the importance and value of keeping your customers happy. Happy customers will usually buy more from you and tell their friends about it. On the other hand, an unhappy customer can not only drive negative word-of-mouth, they also have the power to sink a business.

According to customer loyalty experts, LoyaltyOne and COLLOQUY:

  • 75% of consumers say they advise family, friends and coworkers about a bad experience with a product or service.
  • 42% say they always recommend a product or service they really like.
  • 67% say they love telling people about something new.

As you can tell from these numbers, bad news about a brand travels fast! Which explains why improving the customer experience has become a top priority at organizations of all sizes. As the famous adage goes, the cost of retaining an existing customer is one tenth of winning a new one.

So how does one effectively measure customer satisfaction? The answer lies in regular customer contact via surveys! A customer satisfaction survey is the best way to find out how satisfied or dissatisfied your current customers are. By asking smart survey questions, you will be able to measure specific customer focused metrics.

Try this easy customer feedback survey tool. Visit QuickTapSurvey.

  • To measure overall customer satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction Rating Survey
  • To measure brand loyalty (& calculate Net Promoter Score)
Net Promoter Score Customer Satisfaction Survey Question
  • To measure attribute-specific satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction Survey Ranking Question
  • To measure customer expectations vs perception
Customer Satisfaction Survey Yes No
  • To measure repeat purchase intention
Customer Satisfaction Survey Template Example

To gain a better understanding of what your customers are thinking we recommend asking the simple follow-up question “Why?”, to several of the questions above. This simple open-ended question can end up providing tremendous additional insight. Allows for users to tell you exactly what they think, allows for further survey engagement.

Like this survey? Sign-up to try QuickTapSurvey for free.

Originally published at QuickTapSurvey Blog.

