How To Follow Your Passion

The Readable Bliss
3 min readAug 21, 2023


Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

If you don’t know what you are passionate about,

If you don’t know what you would like to do with your life, then you are at the right place.

You will end up seeing people lecturing about following your passion, but you don’t know how to find that thing in you. Let me answer your question here.

There is no such thing as passion

Yes, you read it right. Apologies for bursting the bubble for you, but the concept of passion that you carry around does not exist. People think passion is something that will give them butterflies in the stomach, that will solve all their problems, help them earn money with ease and they will figure it out instantly by seeing someone else do the thing that they think they might love.

However, in reality, it is really difficult to find answers to these questions.

Take action

First and foremost, I will urge you to find your interests. You will have to try different things in order to find your true interests. Do a lot of experiments and work practically on things that you think you might like.

Most of the time, you will realize that you don’t like it as much as you thought. But keep on trying, and ultimately, you will find what you truly enjoy doing.

Embrace U turns

You may have to try different things in order to find out what truly excites you. Grace Lordan describes in her book, Think Big, that humans have the ability to change their mind over the span of their lives, so it is okay to take U turns. It is okay that you don’t like it now that you thought you enjoyed it before.

Consistency is the key

Once you have found your niche, try to be consistent with it. Discover new things about your niche. Learn to grow and polish your skills. As you gain experience, you might think about making it your profession.

Choose your profession wisely

While choosing your profession, you must keep these three things in mind.

  • It must be fulfilling for you.
  • It must add value to your life.
  • It should also serve the community.


Passion is something that will excite you from within, but it is not something that you will get tired of.

Every thing that you do as a work will become boring and stressful, even if that is the thing you love. The most important thing to do is to enjoy the process rather than thinking about the results.

For example, you have an interest in photography and you think you might like it as a profession. When you decide on that, it will start bothering you to earn money through your photography. You will become desperate to do that, and that will make you stressful. The only thing you should do is enjoy the process, not think about the outcome.

You will eventually end up where you belong.

Be the best in the world at what you do. Keep changing what you do until that is true.

