2 min readMay 25, 2016

6 Tips On Making The Devil Hate You.

1. Be happy with what you have & what you've accomplished. If you never take the time to appreciate the work you've put in you leave an opening for doubt, failure & misery to creep in & consume you. But if you appreciate the progression you've made, you're showing God you're willing to put in the work & you're ready for more blessings.

2. Stop being complacent with nothingness. If you are still in the same position you were in last year you only have yourself to blame for that. Get off of your ass, take some risk & have faith in your path. Nobody said it was supposed to be an adventure with everyone you're cool with/friends. Sometimes the path is just you & a bunch of unknown, that's fine because when you're alone is when God is the loudest in your life because he has your full attention.

3. Get comfortable being uncomfortable...Don't let the thought of trying something new scare you off of your course, embrace that shit & endure the nervousness, tension, uncertainty & fear. When you embrace that you become a whole different monster because it will equip you with the tools to be able to survive & produce anywhere.

4. Pray for others some nights without praying for yourself.....You might not understand this but praying for yourself is almost worthless because God already knows what you need, he knows your heart. Praying for others you know might need a blessing will empower your faith, especially when you see them get that blessing, it's life changing.

5. Don't kick people out of your life, let them leave.......Kicking someone out of your life is not a power move, it's a sign of weakness. If you are so effected by someone's ways & habits that they are controlling your life, then you need to strengthen your beliefs, habits & boundaries. Make your life so solid & defining that if someone doesn't like it they understand that you will not be changed or persuaded so they'll leave. That's power when you can make someone leave your life because they cannot control you.

6. If you're blessed to be with someone who cares about you invest in them. Invest in their dreams, goals, faith & love. We live in a time where social networks trick people into thinking they have options they really don't & it makes it so easy for someone to go search for things they feel they're not getting from their significant other. SIT YOUR ASS DOWN SOMEWHERE & BE STILL.....so what the person you're with is not perfect & is making mistakes, get off of your ass & work thru it with them. Invest in your relationship, don't put a lil $$$ in there because you've been played, burned or screwed over before so you wanna be cautious because you'll get what you paid for. Invest in them fully & watch God bless you all as an whole.



Coolest Comedian/Comedic Writer On Earth...AKA Cooler than that 6th grader who smokes cigarettes & eats cookies when he damn well pleases....Techie/Gamer