Moonsong’s Descent: A High Fantasy Journal of Infernal Origins (1st of Janvaria)

R. E. Bender
8 min readOct 4, 2023
Image of a celestial hellscape. (Image by Valua Vitaly)

Check out the first entry of this post-series!

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This is a fun project I started to explore the mind of a humanoid owl because… Why not? I do my best not to succumb to belief, but my experiences have led me to strongly suspect that there is a sort of metaphysical social media happening inside of us. The only way to see this cosmic network is by delving within and honing our focus. At least, that’s how it works for me.

Last night I had a very strange experience in my sleep. I saw solar systems and galaxies consisting of countless celestial bodies all moving and colliding in random chaos. Then I blinked and the celestial bodies came into order and organized themselves into neat elliptical orbits. Within myself, I felt a great sense of unity and harmony. Just as I strive to move in harmony through my day-to-day life, so do the celestial bodies of the cosmos that surround me. Everything from the macro to the micro is working in concert.

After this wonderful sensation of harmony and watching order come to the cosmos, I heard a voice. It was a low, resonating voice that sounded gravelly but elegant. It began speaking in a language I…



R. E. Bender

Passionate storyteller. Exploring life's intricacies through words. Adventurer at heart. Coffee lover. Making sense of the world, one article at a time.