Moonsong’s Descent: A Journal of Infernal Origins (3rd of Janvaria)

R. E. Bender
6 min readOct 8, 2023
mage of a celestial hellscape. (Image by Valua Vitaly)

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3rd of Janvaria

It looks like my already slim chances of surviving the week have just decreased again. Then again, maybe things aren’t so bad… After today I’ve determined that the whole city is mad, and nothing makes sense anymore. It’s almost as if when I emerged from my jail cell three days ago, I came into a city that is entirely different from the one I knew before my incarceration.

I went to see Gorgrim. He holds court in the Crimson Harp Tavern & Brothel most nights. I tend to avoid the Red Lantern Quarter except to see Gorgrim. I’ve seen many cutpurses perpetually squander everything they have on drink and pretty faces as if they don’t mind living in squalor for the rest of their days. Not to mention, the Red Lantern Quarter favors the mammalian races, you know, Humans, Elves, Dwarves and so on. My tastes aren’t that exotic. Besides, I would never stoop so low as to pay for companionship.

The Crimson Harp is a cacophonous assault of thaumaturgic lights, amateur music and scantily clad bodies, both male and female, all moving to the flow of the chaos. Honestly, I don’t



R. E. Bender

Passionate storyteller. Exploring life's intricacies through words. Adventurer at heart. Coffee lover. Making sense of the world, one article at a time.