R. E. Bender Article Table of Contents

R. E. Bender
3 min readOct 9, 2023

Robert Bender is a prolific author who masterfully navigates the realms of science fiction and high fantasy. With a penchant for weaving complex narratives and crafting unforgettable characters, his books transport readers to realms both distant and fantastical. Beyond the pages of his novels, Robert shares his passion for storytelling on his blog, where he delves into the mechanics of world-building, character development, and the ever-evolving landscape of speculative fiction. When he’s not immersed in his fictional universes or sharing his insights online, you’ll likely find Robert with a cup of his favorite brew in hand, contemplating his next great adventure. For Robert, every sip of coffee is a portal to inspiration, and every word written is a step into the unknown.

The following table of contents conveniently lists the general articles of his Medium blog. Enjoy, and be sure to comment, follow, and subscribe to email notifications. Thanks for reading.

Unveiling Alien Landscapes: Parallel Worlds of Psychedelics and Tabletop Roleplaying Games in the Face of Late-Stage Capitalism

Beyond Requirement: Unmasking the Force Within

Embracing the Force in Everyday Life: A



R. E. Bender

Passionate storyteller. Exploring life's intricacies through words. Adventurer at heart. Coffee lover. Making sense of the world, one article at a time.