Improvements to the Number of Visits Report

GSoC 2018 : Week 7 [June 25, 2018 — July 02, 2018]

Jeyasumangala Rasanayagam
2 min readJul 2, 2018

Last week I worked with several tasks to improve the built-in reports module. The major task was improving the number of visits report by adding some more informations to the report.

The actual number of visits report only provides the number of visit among for given date period. User couldn’t get any more details from this report.

Actual report before changes

I have decided to add some more details to this report. Those are,

  • Total Number of visits grouped by visit types.
  • Users should able to get the visit report for all locations or a given location.
  • Bar chart should be added into the bottom of the report as usual.

Other Tasks

Along with the above task, I have worked with this following tasks as well,

  1. BIR-7 : Add Number of Discharges for all Locations Reports to the Module
  2. BIR-8 : Add Number of Transfers Report for all Locations to the Module



Jeyasumangala Rasanayagam

Intern- Software Engineer| WSO2, Undergraduate at Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology