Introducing Radar

A simple tool that adds seeking power to your wallet.

2 min readAug 11, 2017

Using a traditional centralized exchange can be challenging. Users must disclose private information, brave hacking attacks, and suffer from limited token pairings. Due to a lack of options, users are sacrificing privacy and peace of mind to work with these centralized exchanges.

Enter Radar Relay. Radar Relay is a decentralized order relayer built on the Øx project. We maintain an off-chain order-book that matches users seeking tokens.

Don’t Trust Us

Radar only needs an address to send and receive from. That’s it. No accounts. No pictures of your license. No passwords. You are always in control of your tokens and your identity.

Small Target

Radar never holds user tokens and all trading happens in Øx smart contracts, which have been thoroughly audited. Meaning hackers have a very difficult target to spot, let alone hit.

Trade Fluidly and Efficiently

With Radar it’s simple to view supported tokens and find a specific pair. Simply select a position (the token you wish to trade), the token you are seeking, and submit at the market rate or set a limit to open a position on our book.

Building Liquidity

Radar is currently building a network of token holders and partners in order to provide access to all the tokens you know and love. If you are interested in partnership, contact us at

Check us out at

