A First look at RAFL:ALPHA and some exciting news!

3 min readNov 30, 2017

Welcome to the first preview of the RAFL user interface!

We have been developing the RAFL platform for over a year now. We are proud to unveil a preview of the ALPHA platform.
When we started development simplicity was at the forefront of our criteria, by keeping things easy to use and adapting other current marketplace styles we have developed a system that anybody can use and benefit from.

The model of our application has been built in a similar fashion to the well known auction sites to provide an experience that everyone has grown to be familiar with.

The whole process from purchasing ETH and using our platform will be just as easy as it is to sign up to paypal and start using an auction site.
It will be key to address this as a main selling point in our marketing strategy to attract people who have never used cryptocurrency.

The initial version of RAFL alpha will be able support cash raffles however they can only be held by RFL token holders. The size of the cash raffles will be determined by the amount of RFL tokens the user holds.
The maximum size of the cash raffles token holders will be able to host is set out as followed: 1 ETH per 2000 RFL.
For example : 20,000 RFL = 10 ETH cash raffle.

RAFL: Alpha 1.0 is on schedule to be released March/April 2018 if development goes to plan, it will however be subject to code reviews and tests which will be available to the public in January 2018.

Moving forward

Over the past few weeks we have contacted trusted sellers from popular auction websites who can ship items internationally and have established a growing list of potential proven sellers that have expressed interest.
Selling will only be available for pre-registered users.
For more information on how to register for our initial sellers list please subscribe to our to our website.

The first blockchain raffle!

We’re also Very keen to announce the teams decision to hold the platforms very first raffle!

Over the coming weeks we will be holding a vote with all of our subscribers, we will offer a choice of 5 items and the majority vote will be purchased and raffled on the first BETA release! (Subject to soft cap being reached, BETA will be released first quarter 2018)

A car? A watch? Subscribe to have your say!

Welcome to RAFL, the next big online marketplace.

See more on our website or follow our social media and telegram group:

Website: www.rafl.network

Twitter: twitter.com/RAFLmarket

Facebook: www.facebook.com/raflmarket

Telegram: t.me/RAFL10




Online raffles utilising Ethereum smart contracts