Busting 6 Myths About Power Banks

We chip away at the things people get wrong about our favorite charging devices.

RAVPower Official
4 min readAug 15, 2018


Power banks are incredibly helpful tools that can ensure your devices are always fully charged and ready to go. But some techno luddites out there still have the wrong idea about power banks which keep them from enjoying their benefits.

In an effort to help these people enter the 21st century, this article will look at six different myths about power banks and bust them once and for all.

1. They Take So Long to Recharge That They Are Basically Useless

While some can take a longer time to charge up (primarily larger-capacity banks or ones with a 1A input), the majority can be fully recharged within half a day. However, if you really want your power bank to be able to recharge as fast as it can, there are a two different input methods you can chooses:
• 2A or above input
• USB Type-C
Both connection methods offer a faster recharge meaning you can fully recharge in only a couple of hours.

USB-C Cable and Input (via Shutterstock)

2. Using a Power Bank Will Damage My Phone

This is one of the biggest concerns most people have when it comes to using a power bank. However, the answer to whether a power bank will damage a phone is… maybe. See, if you purchase a sketchy or cheap power bank you run the risk of it delivering an incorrect voltage, which could damage your device.

However, if you buy a power bank from a trusted source, you can be sure it will not damage your device. Not only will they have the correct voltage, they will also come with other protections such as overcharge protection, overheating protection and more.

3. They Will Only Work For a Short Period of Time Before Dying

Some people incorrect believe that power banks will only work a few times before losing efficiency or even completely stop working. While that might be the case for a cheap knockoff on eBay, it’s not for a quality power bank. When purchasing the right power bank, you will find that they can be charged and used hundreds of times before losing efficiency. This means they can conceivably last many years before needing to be replaced. Of course, other factors like wear and tear play a role too.

4. Power Banks Will Explode

Again, this is a concern that largely comes from a lack of knowledge about power banks, similar to our second myth. The only banks that have a chance to explode are very cheap and low quality banks or ones that have been severely mishandled. If you purchase from a reputable source, the chances of your power bank exploding are incredibly low. Seek out reviews online beforehand and ensure the bank you buy has been tested by a few brave souls.

5. Power Banks Cannot Be Taken On Planes

This is a myth that has some truth to it, but isn’t completely true. While most power banks are able to be brought onto planes, there are some caveats. Power banks that use lithium-ion batteries can only be stored in your carry-on and any power bank over 100Wh per battery are restricted unless given prior approval from an airline. So as long as you check your power banks beforehand, and keep it with you or in your carry-on bag, you shouldn’t have any problems.

Flying with a power bank? We have prepared a free eBook that includes a list of major airlines and their rules regarding bringing a power bank on board. Download it here.

Free Flying with a Power Bank eBook — Get it here

6. Advances in Charging Technology Will Make Power Banks Obsolete

With wireless charging taking off a little bit in recent years, many people are concerned about charging advancements making power banks obsolete. While there is some truth in this, we are still many years away from that and as of today, the power bank industry is only growing. Also, with how affordable many power banks are, you might as well get one in order to take advantage of its benefits before other charging technologies take over.

Closing Remarks

Hopefully this article has helped to dispel some of these common myths and thoughts that people have about power banks. As long as you are buying a quality power bank from a quality provider, your product should work incredibly well as long as it is treated with respect.

RAVPower is a portable charging brand providing power to millions around the world. For power banks, wireless chargers, and more visit RAVPower’s Official Website or check out their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Blog channels.



RAVPower Official

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