Social Media Marketing Tips for Any Vertical

RDB Design
3 min readJan 24, 2018


Whether you’re a newborn photographer or in a field like online speech therapy, this advice will work for you just as much as it would for a lawyer, doctor, or accountant. So, grab a cup a coffee, sit back, and get ready to learn some social media tricks for increasing your following.

Whenever you’re trying to increase your followers on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest it’s crucial to ask yourself: Why am I trying to do this? What’s my ultimate goal?

If you don’t have an answer to this, stop what you’re doing immediately. There is no sense in executing a social media or online marketing plan willy-nilly or without any genuine idea what your goal is.

Having followers just for the sake of having them is foolish and a waste of time. However, if you have a goal of amassing a following of highly targeted followers that you plan to reach out to and build genuine connections with in order to land guest posts, that’s a great use of a following.

Other times, a company’s goal will be to monetize its social media following. Generally, this happens by crafting a narrative that is enticing to people and providing them with an incentive to follow you.

Once they’re following you, you post incredibly helpful or insightful content (your own or curated) to help build your authority and credibility.

Eventually, you’ll begin posting about a product you are selling or course you are offering and link to the product or course directly.

Another way to monetize your following is to funnel your social media followers to your website and use a lead capturing tool like SummoMe to increase your email list.

You then can email these folks directly and provide your insightful information and market your product to them (so long as it’s not spammy and you genuinely have people interested in buying it on your email list).

The way to grow your following on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram is by following and unfollowing people. Figure out who you want to target and follow 100 people the first day. Wait a day to see who follows you back. Depending on your niche, it might be best to wait two days.

After waiting the appropriate period of time, unfollow everyone who never followed you back. The following day, follow a brand new set of 100 people and repeat this process for a month or two.

Be careful not to follow or unfollow too many people because your social media account can get suspended (i.e. don’t go above 100 per day).

The more you target people in your niche, experts, and those likely to buy your product, the more likely they will be to interact with your posts, offer you guest spots, or purchase your product.

Once you get the hang of this, there’s no telling what you can do with social media. If you want to dominate your niche, you can. If you want to become the next Neil Patel, you can. If you want to monetize your following, you can. The sky is the limit.

The best part? This works in every vertical. Give it a try and let us know how it turns out!

