We’re extending the crowdsale till Christmas

2 min readNov 14, 2017


Hey everyone. The crowdsale ends tomorrow, but we see that we can collect more funds to proceed in line with our roadmap. We are hoping to get more tokenholders to join the REGA Risk Sharing Expert community. We need more time and your help.

Recently, in our small survey, we’ve asked our potential investors the reason why they hesitate to buy more tokens. And we’ve learned that the main reasons for hesitation were:

  • High token price.
  • High Hard Cap.
  • Bitcoin Fork.

We got the message. We decided to drop the Hard Cap to 10 000 ETH — now our Soft Cap and Hard Cap are equal. We set new token price at 0.102ETH to protect the interests of our early investors, but we will allow the minimum purchase of 0.1RST.

We’re taking 10 days to regroup, close the deals with the investment funds we have commitments from, and quickly implement a new digital marketing strategy to drive sales. We’ve set the new goals and ready to implement them.

Right now we’re aiming to begin the second stage of the crowdsale on Nov 25th 2017 2:00 CET. It will run till 25th of December 2017 12:00 CET.

Please don’t wait if you believe in us and have already registered as a potential investor. With your proactive action, the timeframe for the second stage of the Crowdsale may be reduced significantly and our crowdsurance platform will go live next year.

Thank you for your support and thank you for believing in us.


