Two Factor Authentication (2FA) Security for Windows Login

REVE Secure
4 min readNov 13, 2017


Windows Login Security

As per the Verizon’s 2016 report published over data breach investigation, user credentials were the prime targets of hackers/attackers. Further, 63% of data breaches were occurred primarily due to password vulnerabilities and theft.

Passwords are no more secure.

Cracking and stealing passwords of an average user using a multitude of approaches & tools is not less than a piece of cake, these days. Even after making your passwords consistently stronger; with alpha-numeric-special characters combinations or through regular modifications or resets, they could be easily cracked and stolen using several methods such as phishing attacks, fake digital certificates and similar malicious attacks.

As such, windows based systems and servers (one of the widely used platform/OS for commercial and enterprise purposes) are always prone to malicious attacks, seeking identity theft and unauthorized access to compromise with system’s data and information.

How stronger you set or configure your passwords; they always remain vulnerable and could be easily cracked in less or more time.

If passwords are not safe, then what next?

Instead of making passwords stronger and secure, it would be better to add one more security layer to filter out the malicious or unauthorized user(s), who somehow managed to bypass the password security.

Multi-factor or simply two-factor authentication(2FA) delivers the above-stated feature of dual layer of security and protection to your windows infrastructure in an efficient and effective manner. 2FA is the best possible security solution to filter out & restrict the unauthorized login attempts made by the attacker or malicious user.

What is 2FA solution and how it would ensure Windows Login Security?

Two-factor authentication is a security mechanism that delivers dual layer protection to your Windows systems, application & servers, where the first layer consists of user’s credentials check and the second layer involves access using security token or code, generated at authorized user’s end or devices.

Two-Factor Authentication

Now, let’s see how 2FA security could be used to secure your Windows infrastructure. The first layer comprises of initial authentication of user’s login attempt via credentials used; username and password. If the user fails to authenticate his/her login via its credentials, then the no need of the second layer of security authentication would be required; he/she will be debarred or restricted from the access to windows system from the first layer itself.

However, if the user, somehow able to get success in the first authentication check, then he/she will be subjected to the second layer of security check, where the user needs to enter security token or code. Now, the interesting thing here is that this unique security token will be generated at authorized user’s end only via any of the registered medium; app, physical device, etc. Thus, only authorized user would be getting that security token and will be able to authenticate himself/herself to access the system whereas the unauthorized or malicious user would have no security token to enter, and subsequently will be identified and restricted for the access.

Where to receive these security tokens?

2FA security provides Windows user with numerous options or mediums to receive uniquely generate security tokens. With 2FA, a window user may receive his/her token on following channels:

  • Smartphones via 2FA security app- also called Software Token
  • Physical devices like Yubico devices- as Hardware Token
  • E-mail & text messages
  • IVRS on Mobile and Telephone

Two-Factor Authentication means more time and sluggish Window’s performance?

2FA will affect the Window’s or user’s performance, is totally a myth. 2FA will just add an additional layer of security that merely requires one medium/device/application to receive uniquely generated security tokens. As such, it is much easier to integrate an additional layer of security over your already existing security layer of user’s credentials.

However, it is pertinent to state that 2FA applications must have simple and sober user interfaces including other usability traits in delivering ease to customers in understanding, using and managing 2FA security solutions. Thus, it is expected from 2FA security services provider to deliver and provide 2FA with greater usability attributes and qualities. Greater the user-experience, higher will be the performance.

In a nutshell, it may be stated that single-factor authentication; passwords are no more reliable and secure, keeping in account different mediums, tools and methods to easily crack down even sufficiently long and complex combinations of password. As such, solely relying on password to ensure the safety of your windows client system and server is like skating on thin ice, which may break or compromise any time.

Adopting 2FA solution and implementing dual-layer security authentication is the only best possible solution to keep out your valuable data & information from the reach of intruders, malicious & unauthorized user.

