Coming to Peace with Death

Chris Thompson
4 min readJan 25, 2023

I am not afraid.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

“Some people die at 25 and aren’t buried until 75.”

— Benjamin Franklin


Born. Live. Die.

We all know the routine.

Sometimes I wake up in the morning and it hits me that I won’t be here someday. I am sad for a moment, thinking about those I will miss.

But it never sits long with me. I’m comfortable with the idea of our temporal existence.

But still.


Afraid of Dying, Not of Death

If you type in “death” on, you will get over 60,000 books on the topic or with death in the name.

We know it is inevitable but we don’t always want to admit it.

When we were younger we were immortal. Even if we had death around us, we would simply look beyond it, knowing it couldn’t touch us.

Time is very different for a young person. They feel they are on the first day of a ten day holiday. Older people feel they are on the last day of the holiday and they feel that sense of panic as the time is coming…



Chris Thompson

Seeking common ground in a divided world. Education, parenting, family alcoholism, and life. Dad, husband. Be kind.