Lessons with Phil Dunphy

On tigers, dead clowns, and French films

Chris Thompson
4 min readJan 13, 2024


Photo by Nong on Unsplash

“Cheerleading in my college was cool. The football players were so jealous they wouldn’t even let me and my buddies — Trevor, Scotty, and Ling — go to their parties.” — Phil Dunphy, Modern Family

I have been accused of looking at the world through rose-tinted glasses.

I like the world with a rosy hue. It looks more…rosy.

I don’t see the world as some others do. I mostly see the good and happiness. I strongly believe that everyone is good, they just do bad things at times.

It isn’t that I ignore the problems. I spend most of my time on educational, environmental, and social issues so I am knee deep in the challenges. But I can either pick up the trash in the river and be happy, or I can pick up the trash and be grumpy. Either way, the trash gets picked up. The end result is the same. Except I am happier.

I don’t like being around negative people. I think most will agree with me on this. Negative people drain the energy from a room. I prefer people who have a halo effect, they radiate positivity to those around them.

This is why I love Phil Dunphy.



Chris Thompson

Seeking common ground in a divided world. Education, parenting, family alcoholism, and life. Dad, husband. Be kind.