Let’s Talk About Life Coaches

Chris Thompson
6 min readJan 9, 2023

Do you really want advice from someone just because they broke up with their boyfriend?

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

“No enemy is worse than bad advice.”

— Sophocles

He was 25 at the time and just broke up with his girlfriend.

He shared his life-changing story on Facebook.

He had seen the light. He been through it all. He was the only person in the world to have ever been through anything like this.

Now he wanted to share that pain with others as he felt he could help them navigate any issue in the world. He was going to become a life coach.

And people followed.

The Guru

Every day we see someone promoting their coaching expertise online. Someone has the answers to everything because they feel their one-off emotional experience entitles them to a lifetime of guidance to others.

Giving advice is fine. Friendly advice should be shared with friends. It’s a lengthy, iterative process over coffee or wine that can last for days or months.

But when someone is charging thousands of dollars for a weekend workshop or a hundred dollars an hour for advice, that can be a problem.

Particularly when these coaches have less…



Chris Thompson

Seeking common ground in a divided world. Education, parenting, family alcoholism, and life. Dad, husband. Be kind.