Friendship: “For-Real” friends OR Social Media Friends

Rebecca Kojetin
Rebecca Writes
Published in
7 min readMay 27, 2019


Photo by William Iven on Unsplash

Several years ago, Toyota aired an advertisement about real life friends vs. internet friends via social media. (You can watch it here.) In it, the daughter sites an article that states “older people becoming more and more anti-social” yet the video shows the parents with “actual” friends out biking. Then the daughter goes on to say that she got her parents onto social media, but they only have 19 friends in contrast to her 687 friends. “This is living,” she says.

Really? I’m not slamming the idea of connecting and having friends on social media; I have several friends there. Maybe you are one of them. BUT, what I am doing is questioning people that hold social media friendships in higher regard than actual “for-real” friends.

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

We can meet “for real” friends face to face, and that human interaction is important to our mental and emotional health. “For real” friends can be our escape, our support system, and our inspiration and motivation. It seems this seems to have been forgotten by some people.

Two such cases come to mind.

The first?



Rebecca Kojetin
Rebecca Writes

Health and Life Coach and Writer. I work with people to help them become the best version of themselves.