ROCKZ Potential Niches - Alprockz Whitepaper — Chapter 2

4 min readNov 20, 2018


As more cryptocurrency projects come on the board every month, the critical nature of their connection with the real world becomes ever more obvious. We have mentioned the very real risks of high volatility in base value, the partial or absolute lack of transparency, the lack of security, and the volatile costs of funds transfer.

ROCKZ was created to solve these problems and to deliver blockchain advantages in several industries, such as:


Nowadays, e-commerce organizations avoid using cryptocurrencies because of their high volatility: they are not sure if their funds will become valueless during the next market downturn. Despite this high volatility of cryptocurrencies, there are several alternative processing solutions, such as Bitpay, Coinpayment, and of course, CoinBase. The e-commerce market represents a prime opportunity for crypto-services: its size is forecast to exceed $2.9 trillion worldwide in 201813.

The main players include Alipay, Tenpay, PayPal, Webmoney, Visa, Mastercard and American Express. But e-commerce merchants still use more traditional services, such as Paypal, WebMoney and bankcard processing, in spite of the several advantages that blockchain technology itself brings: transparent transaction records and lower fees (which are dependent on network type). Of course, the ROCKZ platform is not intended to replace Visa or Mastercard any time soon, but its pricing policy allows it to favorably compete with PayPal and similar services.

Here we bring together Paypal, Webmoney and ROCKZ possible processing fees:

Processing Fees

It is obvious that ROCKZ has a sizeable competitive advantage. The main goal of the platform is to provide the most advantageous conversion fees while maintaining the same liquidity as their main competitors.


Here we consider the ways where ROCKZ can be useful. The first is by trading in a protected asset base. Nowadays, there are two basic trading strategies: trade against a fiat currency, or trade against bitcoin. The first reflects traders’ beliefs that cryptocurrencies are secondary to traditional markets and that profits have to be converted into a fiat currency to achieve financial goals. In this case, traders need assets that offer a stable comparison against the USD or other national currencies in order to fix profits while simultaneously holding market value.

The core value of the second strategy is due to the strong confidence in bitcoin’s value continuing to grow in future. This strategy allowed higher profit gains in the past, but as we can see, this confidence may prove costly if market trends change direction. Both cases reveal a need for a strong financial shield to fix profits — and ROCKZ fills that requirement perfectly.

Yet another way where ROCKZ is useful is through the use of ICOs. This part of the industry continues to grow, and despite the current shortcomings of many projects, ICOs as a method of funds collection can already be considered as a viable alternative to traditional venture financing. The dramatic decrease in market capitalization that has recently occurred has forced many projects to reconsider their financial roadmaps due to changes in the value of collected funds. Projects that completed ICOs in conditions of overheated markets are in a difficult situation now, because their financial resources have fallen dramatically, in some cases by threefold or fourfold. Now ROCKZ introduce a stable and reliable instrument for ICO investments. Its stablecoin nature makes collected funds stable.

Stablecoin trading volumes confirm the global need for market protected assets. Tether daily trading volumes can exceed $2.9 billion, according to For other known stablecoins, TrueUSD, BitCNY and BitUSD, these values are USD 15 million, USD 15.7 million and USD 1.6 million respectively. These volumes also reflect one important potential problem for most investors: in the case of Tether, they are vested in less reliable assets.


According to Statista, the P2P money transfer market size will reach $65.7 billion at the end of 2018 (excluding corporate transfers)14. The main players here are Western Union, UAE, Exchange, MoneyGram and Ria. Western Union dominate the market, processing nearly 30% of all transfers. Their transfer fees vary from 0.5–1% of the sum being transferred, depending upon the transfer time. Although current blockchain solutions (such as Ripple) allow clients to implement transfers faster and cheaper, there are countries where the exchange of cryptocurrencies is not allowed. The ROCKZ solution is able to avoid these limitations, because it includes “native” options to convert tokens into a fiat currency and to deliver transfers directly into a client’s bank account.

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