Sean Rooney
3 min readOct 19, 2017


Good Morning! Welcome back to the NEWS ROOM. I have a few topics to cover and the first one up has to deal with Mustaches. It’s an awesome thing that pretty much everyone participates in. Ken Clausen has been the king of the mustache game for a long time now. He has raised over several thousands of dollars and this year his goal it get to $200,000! He started a day ago and has raised over $10,000! I have the link below to tell you exactly what he is running a fundraiser for. You and your teammates can even join and help. You and your team maybe even win the mustache trophy that is presented at the end. Here is a quick video explaining and below that is the link to the website. Get growing!!


This weekend we have the Heritage Cup taking place at the First Ontario Centre in Canada. The matchup is between USA and Canada. This game will also be live streamed on twitter on CBC Sports page. With the in door game booming in America, it will be interesting to see how this game turns out. You have some players that obviously play in the NLL on the roster, Schrieber, McCardle, and White. But then you have some players that have played in door before making a come back, Rabil, Pannell, and Manley. With in door booming in the States, like I said earlier, it will be interesting to see what players will come play in the NLL. Does Paul Rabil make a comeback to the NLL? I think yes if they can work out the NLL and MLL not overlapping their seasons. It would be a huge step in the sport and it could get fans to cross over and watch both in door and out door. We shall see how this game goes and I hope the USA pull off an upset and steal one. This will help keep everyone’s eyes open for the sport to explode. Remember game is on Saturday night! I have a HUGE take I want to make now… The next American in door superstar will be #feast Jake Frocarro. Mark my words!


I’m sure most if not all of you have seen this video before. Attention all coaches! We finally have found a drill for the player out there that does not move his feet. Joe Spallina, Stony Brook’s head coach, created this drill for his team. He released the video on his Instagram and it has gone viral since. According to many of his players Spallina has a ton of drill he has created for his players. I’m excited to see how far the Stony Brook women’s team will go this year. Here is the workout.

