Rangga Prastya Ardinata
3 min readAug 20, 2023


Why Are Humans Always Obsessed with Money?

Money is undoubtedly an integral part of our modern society, influencing nearly every aspect of our lives. It’s a fascinating subject to study why humans seem to have an everlasting obsession with money. In this article, we will explore the various psychological, social, and evolutionary factors that contribute to this obsession. Prepare to delve into the intricate reasons why money holds such power over the human mind.

1. The Evolutionary Perpective:

Money can be seen as a modern manifestation of resources and wealth, and our evolutionary history offers insights into our obsession. Throughout evolution, humans sought resources to ensure survival and reproductive success. In this context, the desire for money can be viewed as an extension of our primal instincts to acquire and secure resources for ourselves and our families.

2. Psychological Factors:

Several psychological theories shed light on why humans are obsessed with money. One prominent theory is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which suggests that humans strive to meet basic physiological needs like food, shelter, and safety before pursuing higher-level needs like love, esteem, and self-actualization. Money serves as a means to fulfill these basic needs and thus becomes an object of obsession.

Additionally, the concept of financial security plays a significant role in our obsession with money. Humans tend to perceive money as a source of safety and a means to control the uncertainties of life. This anxiety about unpredictability drives individuals to accumulate wealth and maintain a sense of security.

3. Societal Influence:

Society heavily influences our obsession with money. Capitalist systems, consumer culture, and societal norms create a constant desire for economic growth and financial success. We are surrounded by advertisements, social media, and societal pressures that highlight material possessions and financial achievements. This constant exposure intensifies our longing for money and fuels our obsession.

4. Social Comparison and Status:

Money often symbolizes power, success, and social status. In a world where social hierarchies exist, individuals are driven to accumulate wealth as a way to elevate their status and gain recognition. Humans naturally engage in social comparison, and monetary wealth has become a primary metric for measuring success and status.

5. The Pursuit of Happiness:

Money is frequently associated with happiness and well-being. While research suggests that wealth alone does not guarantee happiness, it can contribute to a certain level of life satisfaction. Humans seek happiness, and money appears to be a means to achieve it. This pursuit, combined with the belief that acquiring more money will lead to a better life, fuels our obsession.

The human obsession with money is a complex phenomenon driven by a combination of evolutionary, psychological, and societal factors. Our innate desire for survival, the pursuit of security, societal influences, status-seeking behavior, and the quest for happiness are all intertwined in our obsession with accumulating wealth. Understanding these multifaceted reasons behind our obsession allows us to critically examine our relationship with money and strive for a healthier balance in our lives.

Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash



Rangga Prastya Ardinata

Healthcare, Lifestyle, Digital Marketing, Tips and Trick, Tutorials, Contentwriter, Copywriter