How to Find and Invest in the Right Plastic Extrusion Company

RPM Industries, Inc
3 min readSep 21, 2018


Whether you are searching among different plastic extrusion manufacturers for the best one to create precision profiles for your business or perhaps a company that you can invest in, use the information provided to accomplish your goal. Either way, it is essential that you identify companies with years of experience and a long list of capabilities.

Remember, not all plastic profile extrusion companies are equal. The manufacturer that you want to do business with or invest in should have a long history of providing superior-quality and affordable plastic extruded profiles. That means using raw material from a top-rated supplier, relying on state-of-the-art machinery, and having a team of incredibly skilled experts performing the work.

For standard profiles, you might consider one of the top plastic extrusions suppliers. However, if you need a part or component customized or want to invest in a company that provides custom solutions, then you should focus more on respected manufacturers. For both scenarios, reputation speaks volumes as to what you can expect.

Regardless of your goal, you should look for these characteristics.

Process Type

For extruded plastic profiles, make sure you look at companies that specialize in this specific process. Because there are different manufacturing techniques, you want to hire or invest in a manufacturer with incredible knowledge of and skill in the extrusion process as opposed to methodologies.


The best plastic profile extrusion companies work with superior-quality plastic. As the foundation for every profile, it is essential for a manufacturer to use only the best raw material available.

While you may currently have interest in a plastic extruded profile or investing in a company that extrudes plastic products, if you anticipate needing extruded parts and components made from rubber, aluminum, or other metals at some point, you should choose a company with experience and expertise in all materials. That way, you already have a solid partnership with an outstanding manufacturer.

As for plastic extruded profiles, it is a good idea to select a company that works with PVC, CPVC, Rigid ABS, Utility ABS, Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE), High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Polypropylene-Copolymer, High-Impact Polystyrene (HIPS), and PVDF. Any company of interest should also offer profiles made of different acrylics, polycarbonates, and PETGs. With that, you can use completed finished products for a much broader range of applications now and in the future.


The capabilities of a plastic extrusion company are also important, including design, tooling, manufacturing, and fabrication.


For profiles that look as nice as they function, be sure to look at companies that create several unique finishes like textured, matte, and glossy.


Compared to the injection molding process, tooling used for the custom plastic extrusion parts and components process is less expensive. The right company, whether for extruded products or investment purposes, should offer cutting-edge tooling capabilities.

Manufacturing Processes

Pay attention to the various manufacturing processes that different companies use. For instance, focus on those capable of fabricating complex profiles with routers, punches, printers, drills, de-burring machines, and more.

Ensuring Customer Satisfaction

As you can see, there is a lot that goes into finding the right company to create plastic extruded products or for investing. RPM Industries, LLC offers everything mentioned plus more. We take pride in delivering stellar plastic extruded profiles to every customer. For more information, call to speak with a company expert.



RPM Industries, Inc

RPM industries is one of the best manufacturers in USA for Aluminum, Thermoplastic and Rubber products.