The Power of Leverage, The Power of Crypto — Doubling the Profits

Real Property Token
3 min readAug 2, 2018


In all property transactions leveraging is the most powerful tool used in your investing and wealth creation. In fact it is pretty much a major component to most property investing. There are many ways of using leveraging, but of course borrowing from banks is the most common form. With a small deposit the bank will lend you the remainder. Given the cost of housing today there really is no other way to achieve property ownership. And in fact it has been the way banks make their money too.

Banks however, are not the only form of leveraging. There are buyers co-ops, family units, trusts, vendor finance. Generally speaking though most of the forms of leveraging are controlled by the banks. However, now there is also Crypto. We have the ability to stake our crypto, and borrow funds against it. With these funds we can now undertake a development project. You retain the value of the crypto so if it rises you will receive the benefits. And there are margin calls in place to cover you for any drops in crypto. And once we have built the house we are then able to make use of banks to leverage off them also. This gives us the power to utilise leveraging in both Crypto and Fiat systems. And with the combination there will be even greater opportunities to benefit from this. Going forward we would like to drop the banks out of the equation. But while we still have the ability to use these systems for our benefit we see no reason not to.

RP Developments are about to be involved in one such opportunity. 3 low cost affordable homes built over a 6 month period. With staked crypto we can undertake the development and on completion of the project we are able to return to you both your crypto and a solid ROI. There are many other benefits we are offering with this first Peer to Peer project. Because it is the first project we are making sure it is lucrative for all. We are also going to be returning any additional profits back to those that supported us in the token sale. And if you participated in the token sale and also in this project we will be offering even better returns.

But how can we achieve this? Why is it that we can offer such great returns? Well it really is the power of leverage. And with Crypto and fiat combined we are able to make even better use of leveraging. With only $200,000 of Bitcoin or Ethereum we can leverage off this to build over $1.5 million worth of property. By borrowing firstly against the crypto, we have the opportunity to ensure you retain the value of the crypto as it rises. This allows us to build a house on a section that we have already secured. We are then able to value the property once it is completed and borrow further which allows us to build the 2nd house. We then repeat the system for all 3 homes. As we sell each home we are able to repay the lending and still retain the profits. So while the total cost is around $1.3 million we have only needed $200k to complete the project.



Real Property Token

Real Property Token is building a new way of approaching Property. Peer 2 Peer Projects, Education, and Transactions all coming together for a better system.