Feds at Work: Improving satellite technology to monitor severe weather

Partnership for Public Service
3 min readAug 29, 2018


Developed cutting-edge technology that has helped protect people and property from natural disasters

Tim Schmit (Photo by Eric Verbeten)

The Caribbean islands suffered a brutal one-two-three punch in the late summer of 2017. In just over a month, three major hurricanes — Harvey, Irma and Maria — blasted the islands, leaving a path of rubble, downed trees and broken infrastructure. The destruction was especially severe in Puerto Rico, where Hurricane Maria wiped out electricity across the entire commonwealth.

With each of the approaching storms, forecasters were able to use weather data from space to predict the hurricane’s path and wind strength, and how much rain would fall and where. This information helped residents and communities prepare for the storms, and for emergency responders to deploy resources and be ready for rescue efforts.

Tim Schmit played a big role in the satellite technology that assists regions before, during and even after major weather events.

“Tim’s efforts have helped save countless lives and billions of dollars across the Western Hemisphere,” said Satya Kalluri, NOAA

As a meteorologist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Schmit has spent his 22-year career developing faster and better satellite technology for detecting and monitoring severe weather.

Equally important, he has taught forecasters with the National Weather Service and TV weather teams how to interpret the data so the public can get accurate warnings sooner regarding potential disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, flash floods and forest fires.

“Tim’s efforts have helped save countless lives and billions of dollars across the Western Hemisphere.” ~Satya Kalluri, a supervisor with NOAA’s satellite program.

Schmit’s work to make the government’s Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites increasingly sophisticated and effective has revolutionized weather forecasting both in the U.S. and internationally. As part of a joint effort between NASA and NOAA, geostationary satellites orbit the earth at the same speed as the earth rotates, so the satellite stays in the same spot above the planet.

Schmit focused on advancing the satellite imaging technology, primarily through the development of the Advanced Baseline Imager. This technology provides higher-resolution images significantly faster than previous instruments.

“Tim’s recommendations for the Advanced Baseline Imager helped make it 100 times better than its predecessor,” Kalluri said.

“Satellite imagery provides the most important data that weather forecasters use every day to inform and warn the public of severe weather,” said Harry Cikanek, director of NOAA’s satellite program.

The first geostationary weather satellite, launched in 1966, had one visible band that gathered information only during the daytime. Instruments on subsequent satellites had increasingly more bands (now 16) that collect visible and infrared light. Satellites can now detect everything from clouds at night to water vapor, fog, atmospheric winds and volcanic eruptions.

After Hurricane Maria destroyed the lone radar on Puerto Rico, the satellite monitored the island every minute with a new image. While this didn’t replace the need for local radar, it helped fill in missing information and was used in warnings for flash floods.

The satellite imaging technology also allows forecasters to monitor the evolution of potentially dangerous thunderstorms minute by minute, according to Russell Schneider, director of NOAA’s National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center. These “movies of the evolution of clouds and weather systems from space were made possible by Tim Schmit’s work,” he said.

While improving imaging technology has been central to Schmit’s efforts, he does something other scientists rarely do — he goes out and teaches the users how to interpret and use the data. “He really wants to see the user community get the most out of this new technology,” said Steven Goodman, the chief scientist with NOAA’s satellite program.

Tim Schmit is one of 27 finalists for the 2018 Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medals, which are presented annually by the nonpartisan, nonprofit Partnership for Public Service to honor unsung heroes in our federal government who have made important contributions to our nation’s health, safety and prosperity.

Help us share their stories on social media using #Sammies2018. Nominations for 2019 will open in September, so be on the lookout for inspiring federal employees you would like to recognize.



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