Introducing Statistical Process Control

RedRock BPC
14 min readOct 15, 2023


Should a winery or a carnival be investing more time into statistical process control than you? It’s not hard, it takes less effort than your daily standup meeting, and the benefits of a decent control chart are staggering.

SPC in Bioprocess Manufacturing

Statistical process control is a first big step towards automation, and it forces key issues preventing later adoption of Quality by Design and Lean Manufacturing in biologics. Biologics does not lend itself easily to quantification, but your regulatory path dies in the cradle without it — it is an inevitability, so we encourage you to implement it early, warts and all, and get a head start on the process — nothing but good can come from it, and the upside is huge. The need to balance operational efficiency, cost control, and the consistent production of high-quality bioproducts is clutch. This is where Statistical Process Control (SPC) emerges as a crucial tool to help small companies thrive in the bioprocessing industry.

The Importance of SPC for Small Companies

SPC is not a new concept, but its significance in bioprocess manufacturing cannot be overstated. For small companies in this sector, SPC is a game-changer, offering a structured approach to quality assurance and process optimization. Unlike larger corporations with extensive resources, small companies often operate with limited budgets and personnel. SPC empowers them to maximize efficiency and minimize waste without requiring an exorbitant investment.

Key Goals of SPC in Bioprocess Manufacturing

SPC serves several critical objectives in the context of bioprocesses:

  • Cost Reduction: Small bioprocess companies rapidly oscillate between rich and poor . SPC helps identify inefficiencies, reduce waste, and streamline processes, ultimately leading to significant cost savings and consistent operation. By identifying cost-drivers and optimizing processes, these companies can achieve more with less.
  • Predictable Outcomes: The bioprocessing industry demands consistent product quality and yield. SPC helps ensure that bioprocesses consistently meet predefined specifications. This predictability is invaluable for small companies, allowing them to build a reputation for delivering reliable, high-quality products.
  • Control of Unanticipated Factors: Bioprocesses are susceptible to uncontrolled inputs, such as biofilm formation, which can lead to variability and product defects. SPC provides a systematic approach to detect, analyze, and manage such factors. It empowers small companies to maintain control over their processes, ensuring that unexpected issues are promptly addressed.

Optimizing Processes without Extensive Resources

One of the remarkable attributes of SPC is its adaptability to companies of varying sizes. Small bioprocess companies may not have the financial resources or personnel to implement extensive process control systems. However, SPC allows them to initiate an effective quality control framework with manageable investments.

Furthermore, SPC doesn’t demand an overhaul of existing processes. It can be seamlessly integrated into current operations, making it accessible and non-disruptive for small companies. This adaptability is particularly advantageous for those looking to improve their operations without the need for a complete process overhaul.

In the sections that follow, we will explore how small bioprocess companies can harness the potential of SPC to achieve cost reduction, predictable outcomes, and effectively address challenges like biofilm formation. By embracing SPC, these companies can position themselves for sustainable growth and innovation in the dynamic world of bioprocess manufacturing.

Getting Started with SPC in Bioprocess Manufacturing

Statistical Process Control (SPC) is a powerful methodology that can revolutionize bioprocess manufacturing for small companies. To begin harnessing its benefits, it’s essential to understand the basic principles and initiate its implementation. This section will provide a step-by-step guide to help small companies embark on their SPC journey.

Basic Principles of SPC

At its core, SPC is founded on the idea that processes can be understood, managed, and improved through statistical analysis. It relies on the following key principles:

  • Data Collection: SPC starts with collecting data on various process parameters, such as temperature, pH levels, and product yields. Accurate and comprehensive data forms the foundation of the SPC approach.
  • Variation Analysis: SPC recognizes that variation is inherent in any process. It distinguishes between common cause variation, which is a normal part of the process, and special cause variation, which indicates a specific issue that needs attention.
  • Control Charts: Control charts, also known as Shewhart charts, are a central tool in SPC. These charts visually represent data over time and help identify trends, patterns, and outliers. They provide a dynamic snapshot of the process’s performance.
  • Process Improvement: SPC aids in identifying areas where a process may be going out of control. By analyzing this data, small companies can make informed decisions to improve their processes, reduce waste, and enhance product quality.

Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing SPC

For small companies eager to harness the potential of SPC in bioprocess manufacturing, here’s a guide to getting started:

Step 1: Define Your Objectives

  • Clearly outline your goals for implementing SPC. These may include reducing production costs, improving product quality, or addressing specific challenges like biofilm formation. But make no mistake, this matters — this is not a surveillance activity, this is a targeted operation.

Step 2: Select Key Process Parameters

  • Identify the most critical process parameters that significantly impact product quality and yield. These parameters will be the focus of your SPC efforts. Also non-trivial — these parameters have to matter, they can’t be just things you think should matter, or that you want to matter, and they need to be frequent enough to generate consistent data. Unicorn sightings make terrible control charts.

Step 3: Data Collection

  • Establish a systematic data collection process. This may involve installing sensors, setting up data logging systems, or developing manual data entry procedures.

Step 4: Create Control Charts

  • Develop control charts for the selected process parameters. These charts will be continuously updated as new data is collected. Excel is fine, you don’t need anything sophisticate, you just need consistent, artefact-free collection,

Step 5: Monitor and Analyze Data

  • Regularly monitor the control charts to detect variations in your processes. Analyze the data to distinguish between common cause and special cause variations. If no one is looking at the data, by the time you notice something, it won’t matter anymore.

Step 6: Root Cause Analysis

  • When special cause variations are identified, conduct root cause analyses to pinpoint the reasons behind these variations. This is particularly important for addressing issues like biofilm formation — it’s the whole point of doing this. .

Step 7: Process Improvement

  • Implement process improvements based on your analysis. SPC insights can guide targeted changes to reduce costs and enhance product quality.

Step 8: Continuous Monitoring

  • SPC is an ongoing process. Continue to collect data, monitor processes, and refine your approach to maintain control and achieve your objectives.

Insights into Managing Unpredictable Elements

One of the key benefits of SPC is its ability to help manage unpredictable elements, such as biofilm formation in bioprocesses. By continuously monitoring process parameters and analyzing data, SPC can detect deviations caused by factors like biofilm. These insights enable proactive measures to mitigate the impact of unanticipated issues and ensure product quality and yield remain consistent.

In the subsequent sections, we will delve deeper into how SPC can be utilized to achieve specific goals like cost reduction and predictable outcomes in bioprocess manufacturing, emphasizing its adaptability and cost-effectiveness for small companies.

Reducing Costs Through SPC in Bioprocesses

In the realm of bioprocess manufacturing, controlling costs while maintaining or improving product quality is paramount for the success of small companies. SPC offers a systematic approach to cost reduction that goes beyond short-term savings, focusing on long-term economic benefits. Here, we will explore practical cost-saving measures through SPC and illustrate how monitoring and controlling variables can lead to resource optimization.

Practical Cost-Saving Measures Through SPC

  • Resource Optimization: SPC provides a methodical approach to understanding the variation within a bioprocess. By identifying and eliminating sources of variation that lead to resource wastage, companies can significantly reduce costs. For instance, SPC can help fine-tune the consumption of raw materials, energy, and water by maintaining process parameters within tight control limits.
  • Reduced Rework and Rejects: Variability in bioprocesses often leads to the production of subpar or defective products. SPC helps in early detection of process deviations that can compromise product quality. By addressing these deviations promptly, small companies can reduce the need for rework or disposal of non-compliant products, saving both time and resources.
  • Labor Efficiency: When processes are in control, it minimizes the need for manual interventions to correct issues. SPC allows small companies to optimize labor resources, as fewer staff are required for troubleshooting and process adjustments. This reduction in labor costs can have a substantial impact on the bottom line.
  • Preventive Maintenance: SPC can also be applied to equipment and machinery maintenance. By monitoring and analyzing equipment performance data, companies can implement preventive maintenance strategies, reducing downtime and costly repairs.

Examples of Cost Reduction through SPC

  • Reducing Reagent Consumption: In bioprocesses that involve the use of expensive reagents or catalysts, variations in process parameters can lead to overconsumption. SPC ensures tight control over these parameters, resulting in precise reagent dosing and significant cost savings.
  • Energy Efficiency: Maintaining precise control of temperature and other energy-intensive factors in bioprocesses can lead to energy savings. SPC helps in monitoring and optimizing these parameters to reduce energy consumption and associated costs.
  • Minimizing Waste Disposal Costs: In cases where bioprocess waste is hazardous or requires special disposal procedures, SPC can help prevent deviations that result in increased waste generation. This, in turn, lowers waste disposal costs.

Long-Term Economic Benefits for Small Companies

SPC not only provides immediate cost reduction but also delivers substantial long-term economic benefits for small bioprocess companies:

  • Sustainable Cost Control: By maintaining control over critical process parameters, companies establish a culture of sustainability. Sustainable processes lead to consistent product quality, minimized resource consumption, and reduced costs over time.
  • Enhanced Competitiveness: Small companies that effectively implement SPC can offer competitive pricing while maintaining quality standards. This positions them favorably in the market and allows for expansion and growth.
  • Regulatory Compliance: SPC supports compliance with regulatory requirements by ensuring the consistency and reliability of bioprocesses. This can prevent costly regulatory issues, audits, and penalties.
  • Continuous Improvement: SPC is not a one-time solution but an ongoing process of improvement. Small companies that embrace SPC as a part of their corporate culture continuously identify opportunities for cost savings and product quality enhancement.

In the next section, we will explore how SPC can provide predictability in bioprocess manufacturing, reducing the uncertainty often associated with these processes and further contributing to cost reduction.

Achieving Predictable Outcomes with SPC

In the dynamic world of bioprocess manufacturing, the ability to predict outcomes with a high degree of confidence is a game-changer for small companies. Uncertainty in bioprocesses can lead to inconsistent product quality and yield, which is detrimental to both reputation and profitability. Statistical Process Control (SPC) plays a pivotal role in ensuring process consistency and predictability. In this section, we will explore how SPC achieves these goals and share case studies of small companies that have reaped the benefits of enhanced product quality and yield predictability. Additionally, we will delve into how SPC can mitigate the impact of uncontrolled inputs such as undetected contamination.

Ensuring Consistency for Predictable Results

SPC ensures consistency by closely monitoring and controlling process parameters that influence the quality and yield of bioprocesses. This is achieved through the following key mechanisms:

  • Real-time Monitoring: SPC systems continuously gather data from various points within the bioprocess. By analyzing this data in real time, any deviations or trends that may affect the final product can be detected promptly.
  • Control Charting: Control charts, a fundamental SPC tool, enable small companies to visualize process data and identify variations. When data points fall within control limits, it indicates a stable process that is more likely to deliver consistent results.
  • Immediate Response to Deviations: SPC systems are equipped with alert mechanisms that notify operators when process parameters deviate from established control limits. This allows for swift corrective actions to bring the process back in line, reducing the likelihood of product inconsistencies.

Examples of Enhanced Product Quality and Yield Predictability

Let’s look at two quick examples of small bioprocess companies that harnessed the power of SPC to achieve enhanced product quality and yield predictability:

Case Study 1: Palmaz Winery

If you’re the type to tour wineries, Palmaz is super interesting as an SPC example. They have built a gravity feed winery, where the grapes are loaded into process feeders up at the top of their personal mountain, then fed by gravity through their fermenters, settling tanks and final fill. More interestingly for us, they have built a control dome overseeing the entire operation , where real time data is projected on the ceiling for all to see; workers, visitors, decision makers alike. Obviously wineries have fermenters, and many of the same principles apply to them that apply to any other bioprocess, but I for one don’t often think of them as subject to the same level of control, but they sure are. Take a visit, or look at the pictures, and if their data is more sophisticated than yours, ask yourself why.

Case Study 2: Traveling Carnival

You heard me. You think all the rides make the same amount of money? Think again. Ride owners are usually independent contractors, many build their own rides. Tickets are how they make their money, and if you think someone counts them, think again. Weighing a bag of tickets of multiple denominations requires a lot of faith that (1) the tickets exist in similar proportions, (2) the rides claim a similar proportion of riders per location and (3) cheating can be detected. And that’s exactly how it works — weigh the bags, run the algorithm, generate operator settlements nightly. And it doesn’t get much more organic than a traveling carnival.

Mitigating the Impact of Uncontrolled Inputs

Bioprocesses are susceptible to uncontrolled inputs like biofilm, which can disrupt the predictability of the entire process. SPC can play a critical role in mitigating these impacts:

  • Early Detection: SPC can detect variations that may indicate biofilm formation, such as irregularities in growth rates or changes in metabolic activity. Early detection allows for corrective actions before biofilm-related issues become severe.
  • Data-Driven Prevention: By continuously monitoring critical process parameters, SPC can identify conditions that are conducive to biofilm formation. Companies can use this data to proactively prevent biofilm-related disruptions.
  • Contingency Planning: SPC provides the data needed to develop contingency plans in case biofilm issues arise. Having predefined strategies for managing biofilm-related challenges ensures that deviations from predictability have minimal impact on the final product.

In the final section, we will discuss the crucial role of SPC in detecting and addressing uncontrolled inputs and how it can help small bioprocess companies stay ahead of potential disruptions while maintaining predictability and cost reduction.

Detecting and Managing Uncontrolled Inputs in Bioprocesses

Uncontrolled inputs in bioprocesses, such as biofilm formation, pose significant challenges to small companies striving for predictable outcomes and cost reduction. In this section, we will delve into the complexities of uncontrolled inputs and explore how Statistical Process Control (SPC) tools like control charts and trend analysis can be employed to detect deviations early. We will also provide practical strategies for small bioprocess companies to effectively manage and control unanticipated factors, ensuring that these challenges do not jeopardize their goals.

Challenges Posed by Uncontrolled Inputs

Uncontrolled inputs can disrupt the entire bioprocess, leading to inconsistent product quality, yield variations, and increased production costs. Biofilm formation is one such uncontrolled input that plagues the bioprocess industry. Biofilms are communities of microorganisms that adhere to surfaces within bioreactors, causing fouling, decreased oxygen transfer, and altered metabolic activity. Detecting and managing biofilm formation is crucial for maintaining predictability and cost-effectiveness in bioprocesses.

Early Detection with SPC Tools

The key to managing uncontrolled inputs is early detection. SPC offers valuable tools for spotting deviations and variations that may signal the presence of uncontrolled inputs:

  • Control Charts: Control charts are fundamental SPC tools that display process data over time. When uncontrolled inputs, like biofilm formation, lead to process deviations, these charts reveal trends and shifts in data points. Small companies can establish control limits and closely monitor their bioprocess data using control charts to catch issues before they escalate.
  • Trend Analysis: SPC leverages trend analysis to identify patterns or trends within process data. This analytical approach allows for the early recognition of gradual changes that might be related to uncontrolled inputs. By studying these trends, small companies can pinpoint issues and take corrective actions promptly.

Strategies for Effective Management and Control

Small bioprocess companies can employ several strategies to manage and control unanticipated factors in their processes:

  • Routine Monitoring: Implement routine monitoring of key bioprocess parameters that are susceptible to uncontrolled inputs, such as temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen. This ongoing surveillance enables early detection and intervention.
  • Data Analysis: Use SPC software to analyze process data in real-time. By employing statistical methods, small companies can identify deviations, trends, or outliers that may indicate uncontrolled inputs. This data-driven approach ensures timely actions.
  • Preventive Maintenance: Regular maintenance and cleaning of equipment, including bioreactors and piping, can mitigate the risk of biofilm formation. Small companies should establish cleaning protocols and schedules to prevent biofilm-related disruptions.
  • Advanced Sensors and Automation: Invest in advanced sensors and automation systems that can detect biofilm or other uncontrolled inputs in real-time. These technologies can trigger alarms or automated responses, allowing for swift corrective measures.
  • Collaboration and Expertise: Collaborate with experts or seek consultancy services when dealing with specific uncontrolled inputs. Expert knowledge can be invaluable in developing effective strategies for detection and control.

By implementing these strategies and leveraging SPC tools, small bioprocess companies can maintain predictability, reduce costs, and effectively manage the impact of uncontrolled inputs like biofilm. The ability to detect and address these challenges early ensures that bioprocesses remain efficient and deliver consistent, high-quality products.

In conclusion, SPC empowers small bioprocess companies to address the complexities of their industry by offering cost-effective solutions, predictable outcomes, and robust tools for managing uncontrolled inputs. It’s not merely a means of quality control; it’s a path to resilience and success in the evolving landscape of bioprocess manufacturing.


In the dynamic world of bioprocess manufacturing, small companies are continually seeking innovative ways to achieve cost reduction, predictable outcomes, and effective control of unanticipated factors such as biofilm formation. Statistical Process Control (SPC) emerges as a beacon of hope, guiding these enterprises towards greater efficiency, reliability, and economic sustainability. As we’ve explored throughout this article, the journey towards mastering SPC in bioprocesses is not only accessible but also offers valuable new insights.

SPC: The Cornerstone of Success for Small Bioprocess Companies

The introduction of SPC into bioprocess manufacturing heralds a transformative approach for small companies. By adopting SPC, these enterprises can optimize their processes without requiring extravagant resources. This paradigm shift fosters resilience and adaptability in an evolving industry where both external and internal factors play pivotal roles.

A Roadmap for Success: Key Takeaways

  • Introduction to SPC in Bioprocess Manufacturing: The importance of SPC for small companies in achieving the trinity of goals — cost reduction, predictable outcomes, and control of unanticipated factors like biofilm — has been highlighted. SPC, often considered complex, stands as an accessible and powerful tool for process optimization.
  • Getting Started with SPC in Bioprocess Manufacturing: The basic principles of SPC were elucidated. Small companies can initiate their SPC journey through a step-by-step guide, offering a compass for controlling unpredictable elements.
  • Reducing Costs Through SPC in Bioprocesses: Practical cost-saving measures offered by SPC were discussed, shedding light on how monitoring and controlling variables can lead to resource efficiency. The long-term economic benefits of SPC provide a compelling case for its adoption by small bioprocess companies.
  • Achieving Predictable Outcomes with SPC: SPC’s role in ensuring consistency and predictability in bioprocesses was detailed, exemplified by case studies of small companies that reaped the rewards of enhanced product quality and yield predictability. The mitigation of uncontrolled inputs, including biofilm, was emphasized.
  • Detecting and Managing Uncontrolled Inputs in Bioprocesses: The section highlighted the challenges posed by uncontrolled inputs and explored how SPC tools, like control charts and trend analysis, can identify deviations early. Strategies for small companies to effectively manage and control unanticipated factors were presented.

SPC: The Path to Resilience and Success

In the realm of bioprocess manufacturing, SPC is not merely a quality control tool; it’s a philosophy that encapsulates the essence of lean and adaptable manufacturing. Small companies embracing SPC equip themselves to navigate the intricacies of their industry successfully. They can detect issues early, reduce costs, achieve predictable outcomes, and manage the influence of uncontrolled inputs like biofilm. By doing so, these enterprises secure their place in an ever-evolving bioprocess landscape, where innovation and sustainability converge.

As the bioprocess industry continues to transform, SPC serves as a guiding light for small companies, helping them thrive and prosper in an environment that demands resilience, efficiency, and unwavering commitment to quality and predictability. In this exciting journey, SPC isn’t just a tool; it’s the compass that leads to success in the dynamic world of bioprocess manufacturing.



RedRock BPC

Clinical bioprocess manufacturing consultants: GMP tools and strategies for biological medicines.