Amendments and Resolutions


We don’t have a formal endorsement process, but all the resolutions and amendments listed here seek to address at least some of the issues we identify in the platform of our caucus. We invite all DSA members and chapters, regardless of their location, to look these over and strongly consider supporting them. We think there’s something for everyone here.

Advancing Local Autonomy


  • Ecosocialism as a guiding principle of DSA would make ecosocialist principles, in all their complex local and national diversity, central to DSA’s entire political agenda.
  • Energy Democracy Resolution seeks to promote better understanding of energy democracy as a concept and practice in DSA.
  • Resolution on Fossil Fuel Power meanwhile promotes taking fossil fuel corporations and putting them under democratic control in order to shift their massive resources to clean energy while making their executives pay for their crimes against humanity.
  • Fund to Support Local Projects does many things, but some of the projects it would explicitly earmark support for include community agriculture, energy democracy, and disaster relief.

Transportation and Housing

Always Anti-Fascist

Political Education and Outreach

A Few More Important Proposals

Though not part of the platform (yet) these are resolutions on important issues that need to be addressed.

⬅️ Our Platform Return to Introduction ➡️



Rural, Suburban, and Small City DSA

Rural, suburban, and small city DSA members working together to establish socialism outside of the major DSA hubs as a convention caucus!