NPC Candidate Profiles


This is a listing of NPC candidates who completed our candidate survey. Each includes a link to their response. We decided only to consider for endorsement candidates who submitted a response, and while we only endorsed some of these candidates, we want to keep these responses up as a reference. All of them show a lot of thoughtfulness and express interesting ideas, so even if a candidate did not earn an official caucus endorsement, we hope their responses will be useful to delegates trying to figure out where the candidates stand on issues important to rural, suburban, and small city DSA.

One note about the basic identifying info: Area was self-identified, except when candidates clarified that in their responses. Slate/Caucus was also according to how candidates chose to identify in the survey. Some candidates chose to emphasize their official slates over caucus memberships.

Learn more about the RSSC Caucus here, and fill out our intake form to get involved.

Endorsed Candidates


Area: Suburban/Rural
Slate/Caucus: Libertarian Socialist Caucus NPC Transparency Pledge Signatory and Co-Author, RSSCC member
Survey Response

Dan Quayle

Area: Small City
Slate/Caucus: Libertarian Socialist Caucus member
Survey Response

Emily Cameron

Area: Rural
Slate/Caucus: RSSCC Member
Survey Response

Jen McKinney

Area: Mixed RSSC (See response)
Slate/Caucus: Libertarian Socialist Caucus member
Survey Response

Erika Paschold

Area: Small City
Slate/Caucus: Shine Under Pressure (SUP)
Survey Response

Ravi Ahmad

Area: Small City
Slate/Caucus: Build member, running with Zac Echola
Survey Response

Zac Echola

Area: Other
Slate/Caucus: Running with Ravi Ahmad, RSSCC member
Survey Response

Austin Gonzalez

Area: Small City
Slate/Caucus: None
Survey Response

Lloyd Goldsmith

Area: Small City
Slate/Caucus: Build member, Shine Under Pressure (SUP)
Survey Response

Michelle Bruder

Area: Suburban
Slate/Caucus: Member of Build, endorsed by Libertarian Socialist Caucus, endorsed by Southern Caucus, member of RSSCC
Survey Response

Tawny Tidwell

Area: Other
Slate/Caucus: Shine Under Pressure (SUP)
Survey Response

Other Candidates

Blanca Estevez

Area: Rural
Slate/Caucus: Collective Power Network member
Survey Response

Darby Thomas

Area: Other
Slate/Caucus: The San Francisco Slate submitted a joint statement.
Survey Response

Jen Snyder

Area: Other
Slate/Caucus: The San Francisco Slate submitted a joint statement.
Survey Response

Jennifer Bolen

Area: Other
Slate/Caucus: The San Francisco Slate submitted a joint statement.
Survey Response

Maikiko James

Area: Other
Slate/Caucus: None
Survey Response

Marianela D’Aprile

Area: Other
Slate/Caucus: The Bread & Roses slate submitted a joint statement.
Survey Response

Marsha Niemeijer

Area: Other
Slate/Caucus: The Bread & Roses slate submitted a joint statement.
Survey Response

Megan Svoboda

Area: Other
Slate/Caucus: The Bread & Roses slate submitted a joint statement.
Survey Response

Natalie Midiri

Area: Other
Slate/Caucus: The Bread & Roses slate submitted a joint statement.
Survey Response

Rachel Zibrat

Area: Other
Slate/Caucus: The Bread & Roses slate submitted a joint statement.
Survey Response



Rural, Suburban, and Small City DSA

Rural, suburban, and small city DSA members working together to establish socialism outside of the major DSA hubs as a convention caucus!